influx template validate

  • influx CLI 2.0.1+
  • InfluxDB 2.0.1+

The influx template validate command validates the provided InfluxDB template.


  1. influx template validate [flags]


FlagDescriptionInput Type
-e—encodingTemplate encodingstring
-f—filePath to template file (supports HTTP(S) URLs or file paths)stringArray
-h—helpHelp for the validate command
-R—recurseRecurse through files in the directory specified in -f, —file


Authentication credentials

The examples below assume your InfluxDB host, organization, and token are provided by the active influx CLI configuration. If you do not have a CLI configuration set up, use the appropriate flags to provide these required credentials.

Validate InfluxDB Templates:

Validate an InfluxDB template from a local file
  1. influx template validate --file /path/to/template.yml
Validate InfluxDB templates from multiple files
  1. influx template validate \
  2. --file /path/to/template1.yml \
  3. --file /path/to/template2.yml
Validate an InfluxDB template from a URL
  1. influx template validate --file
Validate all InfluxDB templates in a directory
  1. influx template validate \
  2. --file /path/to/template/dir/ \
  3. --recurse
Specify the encoding of the InfluxDB template to validate
  1. influx template validate \
  2. --file /path/to/template \
  3. --encoding json