Convert results to JSON

This example uses NOAA water sample data.

Send each record to a URL endpoint using the HTTP POST method. This example uses json.encode() to convert a value into JSON bytes, then uses to send them to a URL endpoint.

The following query:

  • Uses filter() to filter the average_temperature measurement.
  • Uses mean() to calculate the average value from results.
  • Uses map() to create a new column, jsonStr, and build a JSON object using column values from the query. It then byte-encodes the JSON object and stores it as a string in the jsonStr column.
  • Uses to send the jsonStr value from each record to an HTTP endpoint.
  1. import "http"
  2. import "json"
  3. from(bucket: "noaa")
  4. |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "average_temperature")
  5. |> mean()
  6. |> map(fn: (r) => ({r with jsonStr: string(v: json.encode(v: {"location": r.location, "mean": r._value}))}))
  7. |> map(
  8. fn: (r) => ({
  9. r with
  10. status_code:
  11. url: "",
  12. headers: {x: "a", y: "b"},
  13. data: bytes(v: r.jsonStr)
  14. )
  15. })
  16. )