sql.from() function

The sql.from() function retrieves data from a SQL data source.

*Function type: Input*

  1. import "sql"
  2. sql.from(
  3. driverName: "postgres",
  4. dataSourceName: "postgresql://user:password@localhost",
  5. query:"SELECT * FROM TestTable"
  6. )



The driver used to connect to the SQL database.

*Data type: String*

The following drivers are available:

  • awsathena
  • bigquery
  • mysql
  • postgres
  • snowflake
  • sqlite3 – Does not work with InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB Cloud. More information below.
  • sqlserver, mssql


The data source name (DSN) or connection string used to connect to the SQL database. The string’s form and structure depend on the driver used.

*Data type: String*

Driver dataSourceName examples
  1. # Amazon Athena Driver DSN
  2. s3://myorgqueryresults/?accessID=AKIAJLO3F...&region=us-west-1&secretAccessKey=NnQ7MUMp9PYZsmD47c%2BSsXGOFsd%2F...
  3. s3://myorgqueryresults/?accessID=AKIAJLO3F...&db=dbname&missingAsDefault=false&missingAsEmptyString=false&region=us-west-1&secretAccessKey=NnQ7MUMp9PYZsmD47c%2BSsXGOFsd%2F...&WGRemoteCreation=false
  4. # MySQL Driver DSN
  5. username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname?param=value
  6. # Postgres Driver DSN
  7. postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=verify-full
  8. # Snowflake Driver DSNs
  9. username[:password]@accountname/dbname/schemaname?param1=value1&paramN=valueN
  10. username[:password]@accountname/dbname?param1=value1&paramN=valueN
  11. username[:password]@hostname:port/dbname/schemaname?account=<your_account>&param1=value1&paramN=valueN
  12. # SQLite Driver DSN
  13. file:/path/to/test.db?cache=shared&mode=ro
  14. # Microsoft SQL Server Driver DSNs
  15. sqlserver://username:password@localhost:1234?database=examplebdb
  16. server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdb;
  17. server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdb;azure auth=ENV
  18. server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdbr;azure tenant id=77e7d537;azure client id=58879ce8;azure client secret=0123456789
  19. # Google BigQuery DSNs
  20. bigquery://projectid/?param1=value&param2=value
  21. bigquery://projectid/location?param1=value&param2=value


The query to run against the SQL database.

*Data type: String*


The examples below use InfluxDB secrets to populate sensitive connection credentials.

Query a MySQL database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. username = secrets.get(key: "MYSQL_USER")
  4. password = secrets.get(key: "MYSQL_PASS")
  5. sql.from(
  6. driverName: "mysql",
  7. dataSourceName: "${username}:${password}@tcp(localhost:3306)/db",
  8. query:"SELECT * FROM example_table"
  9. )

Query a Postgres database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. username = secrets.get(key: "POSTGRES_USER")
  4. password = secrets.get(key: "POSTGRES_PASS")
  5. sql.from(
  6. driverName: "postgres",
  7. dataSourceName: "postgresql://${username}:${password}@localhost",
  8. query:"SELECT * FROM example_table"
  9. )

Query a Snowflake database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. username = secrets.get(key: "SNOWFLAKE_USER")
  4. password = secrets.get(key: "SNOWFLAKE_PASS")
  5. account = secrets.get(key: "SNOWFLAKE_ACCT")
  6. sql.from(
  7. driverName: "snowflake",
  8. dataSourceName: "${username}:${password}@${account}/db/exampleschema?warehouse=wh",
  9. query: "SELECT * FROM example_table"
  10. )

Query an SQLite database

InfluxDB OSS and InfluxDB Cloud do not have direct access to the local filesystem and cannot query SQLite data sources. Use the Flux REPL to query a SQLite data source on your local filesystem.

  1. import "sql"
  2. sql.from(
  3. driverName: "sqlite3",
  4. dataSourceName: "file:/path/to/test.db?cache=shared&mode=ro",
  5. query: "SELECT * FROM example_table"
  6. )

Query an Amazon Athena database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. region = us-west-1
  4. accessID = secrets.get(key: "ATHENA_ACCESS_ID")
  5. secretKey = secrets.get(key: "ATHENA_SECRET_KEY")
  6. sql.from(
  7. driverName: "awsathena",
  8. dataSourceName: "s3://myorgqueryresults/?accessID=${accessID}&region=${region}&secretAccessKey=${secretKey}",
  9. query:"SELECT * FROM example_table"
  10. )
Athena connection string

To query an Amazon Athena database, use the following query parameters in your Athena S3 connection string (DSN):

* Required

  • region - AWS region *
  • accessID - AWS IAM access ID *
  • secretAccessKey - AWS IAM secret key *
  • db - database name
  • WGRemoteCreation - controls workgroup and tag creation
  • missingAsDefault - replace missing data with default values
  • missingAsEmptyString - replace missing data with empty strings

Query a SQL Server database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. username = secrets.get(key: "SQLSERVER_USER")
  4. password = secrets.get(key: "SQLSERVER_PASS")
  5. sql.from(
  6. driverName: "sqlserver",
  7. dataSourceName: "sqlserver://${username}:${password}@localhost:1234?database=examplebdb",
  8. query: "GO SELECT * FROM Example.Table"
  9. )

SQL Server ADO authentication

Use one of the following methods to provide SQL Server authentication credentials as ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) connection string parameters:

Retrieve authentication credentials from environment variables
  1. azure auth=ENV
Retrieve authentication credentials from a file

InfluxDB OSS and InfluxDB Cloud user interfaces do not provide access to the underlying file system and do not support reading credentials from a file. To retrieve SQL Server credentials from a file, execute the query in the Flux REPL on your local machine.

  1. azure auth=C:\secure\azure.auth
Specify authentication credentials in the connection string
  1. # Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, and client secret token
  2. azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure client secret=0cf123..
  3. # Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, certificate path and certificate password
  4. azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure certificate path=C:\secure\...;azure certificate password=xY...
  5. # Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, and Azure username and password
  6. azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure username=some@myorg;azure password=a1...
Use a managed identity in an Azure VM

For information about managed identities, see Microsoft managed identities.

  1. azure auth=MSI

Query a BigQuery database

  1. import "sql"
  2. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  3. projectID = secrets.get(key: "BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID")
  4. apiKey = secrets.get(key: "BIGQUERY_APIKEY")
  5. sql.from(
  6. driverName: "bigquery",
  7. dataSourceName: "bigquery://${projectID}/?apiKey=${apiKey}",
  8. query:"SELECT * FROM exampleTable"
  9. )

Common BigQuery URL parameters

  • dataset - BigQuery dataset ID. When set, you can use unqualified table names in queries.

BigQuery authentication parameters

The Flux BigQuery implementation uses the Google Cloud Go SDK. Provide your authentication credentials using one of the following methods:

  • The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable that identifies the location of your credential JSON file.
  • Provide your BigQuery API key using the apiKey URL parameter in your BigQuery DSN.

    Example apiKey URL parameter
    1. bigquery://projectid/?apiKey=AIzaSyB6XK8IO5AzKZXoioQOVNTFYzbDBjY5hy4
  • Provide your base-64 encoded service account, refresh token, or JSON credentials using the credentials URL parameter in your BigQuery DSN.

    Example credentials URL parameter
    1. bigquery://projectid/?credentials=eyJ0eXBlIjoiYXV0...

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