Restore data

Use the influx restore command to restore backup data and metadata from InfluxDB. You must stop InfluxDB before restoring data.

The influx restore command only restores data to InfluxDB OSS, not InfluxDB Cloud.

When restoring data from a backup file set, InfluxDB temporarily moves existing data and metadata while the restore process runs. Once the process completes, the temporary data is deleted. If the restore process fails, InfluxDB preserves the data in the temporary location. See Recover from a failed restore.

Restore data with the influx CLI

  1. Stop the influxd server.
  2. Use the influx restore command and specify the path to the backup directory in the first argument.

    1. # Syntax
    2. influxd restore <path-to-backup-directory>
    3. # Example
    4. influxd restore ~/backups/2020-01-20_12-00/

    For more information about restore options and flags, see the influx restore documentation.

Recover from a failed restore

If the restoration process fails, InfluxDB preserves existing data in a tmp directory in the target engine path (default is ~/.influxdbv2/engine).

To recover from a failed restore:

  1. Copy the temporary files back into the engine directory.
  2. Remove the .tmp extensions from each of the copied files.
  3. Restart the influxd server.

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