Band Plot visualization

The Band Plot visualization displays the upper and lower boundaries for groups of data over time. Boundaries are determined by applying aggregate functions to your data for a specified window period, and then setting the aggregate functions for a specified upper, main, or lower boundary.

Set up the Band Plot visualization

To see bands (boundaries) in the Band Plot visualization, you must set up two or three boundaries for comparison.

Set up the band plot visualization in the Data Explorer

  1. Click the Data Explorer icon in the navigation bar.


    Data Explorer

  2. Enter your query (see Explore data with Flux and the Data Explorer). You must include the aggregate functions used to determine the Band Plot visualization boundaries in your query.

  3. Select the Band Plot option from the visualization dropdown in the upper left, and then click Customize.

  4. Under Data, select the following:

    • For X Column and Y Column, select the columns to display for the x- and y- axes.
    • For Time Format, select the timestamp format to display in the visualization.
  5. Under Aggregate Functions, select a function to determine each boundary (column) for comparison (select two or three):

    • In the Upper Column Name field, select a function for the upper boundary.
    • In the Main Column Name field, select a function for the main boundary.
    • In the Lower Column Name field, select a function for the lower boundary.
  6. (Optional) Continue to customize your visualization, including options such as interpolation, color, hover dimension, and y-axis settings. For more information, see Options and Y Axis below.

    Tip: If you do not see shaded boundaries in the Band Plot visualization, verify the query window period includes a sufficient number of data points for the selected aggregate function. By default, the window period is automatically set to ten seconds (10s). To adjust your window period, select Custom, and then enter a supported time unit (for example nanoseconds (ns), microseconds (us), milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), or hours (h).

Band example

Set up the band plot visualization in the Script Editor

  1. Click the Data Explorer icon in the navigation bar.


    Data Explorer

  2. Click Script Editor.

  3. Select the Band Plot option from the visualization dropdown in the upper left.

  4. Create three aggregate functions: one for the main boundary, one for the upper boundary, and one for the lower boundary. The following example uses the mean(), max(), and min() functions:

    1. from(bucket: "bucket_1")
    2. |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
    3. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu")
    4. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "usage_system")
    5. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["cpu"] == "cpu0" or r["cpu"] == "cpu1")
    6. |> aggregateWindow(every: 15s, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
    7. |> yield(name: "mean")
    8. from(bucket: "bucket_1")
    9. |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
    10. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu")
    11. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "usage_system")
    12. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["cpu"] == "cpu0" or r["cpu"] == "cpu1")
    13. |> aggregateWindow(every: 15s, fn: max, createEmpty: false)
    14. |> yield(name: "max")
    15. from(bucket: "bucket_1")
    16. |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
    17. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "cpu")
    18. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "usage_system")
    19. |> filter(fn: (r) => r["cpu"] == "cpu0" or r["cpu"] == "cpu1")
    20. |> aggregateWindow(every: 15s, fn: min, createEmpty: false)
    21. |> yield(name: "min")
  5. (Optional) Customize the name of the yielded results for each function by editing the name parameter in the yield() function. For example, to change the name of the first function from mean to Average, modify the last line to the following:

    1. |> yield(name: "Average")
  6. Click Customize in the upper left.

  7. Under Aggregate Functions, enter the functions you created to determine each boundary (column) for comparison. If you changed the yield name for any of the functions above, enter the modified name here instead of the function name:

    • In the Upper Column Name field, enter the result set to use for the upper boundary.
    • In the Main Column Name field, enter the result set to use for the main boundary.
    • In the Lower Column Name field, enter the function for the lower boundary.
  8. (Optional) Continue to customize your visualization, including options such as interpolation, color, hover dimension, and y-axis settings. For more information, see Options and Y Axis below.

Customize column names

Band behavior

Like a line graph, the band visualization shows how values change over time. Additionally, it displays upper and lower “bands” for the measurements.

For example, in the band chart above, the lines represent the mean usage_system values for the cpu measurement for cpu0 and cpu1. The upper and lower limits of the bands are defined by the max and min aggregate functions, respectively.

Band controls

To view Band controls, click Customize next to the visualization dropdown.

  • X Column: Select a column to display on the x-axis.
  • Y Column: Select a column to display on the y-axis.
  • Time Format: Select the time format. Options include:
    • YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ
    • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss.sss
    • MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.sss
    • MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.SSS
    • YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss
    • hh:mm a
    • HH:mm
    • HH:mm:ss
    • HH:mm:ss.sss
    • MMMM D, YYYY HH:mm:ss
    • dddd, MMMM D, YYYY HH:mm:ss
Aggregate functions
  • Upper Column Name: Aggregate function to display for upper bounds of data.
  • Main Column Name: Aggregate function to display for main graph line.
  • Lower Column Name: Aggregate function to display for lower bounds of data.
  • Interpolation:
    • Line: Display a time series in a line graph.
    • Smooth: Display a time series in a line graph with smooth point interpolation.
    • Step: Display a time series in a staircase graph.
  • Line Colors: Select a color scheme to use for your graph.
  • Hover Dimension: Select the data to display in the tooltip when you hover over the graph:
    • auto or X Axis: Show all points with the same x value along the y-axis.
    • Y Axis: Show all points with the same y value along the x-axis.
    • X & Y Axis: Show only the point being currently hovered over.
Y Axis
  • Y Axis Label: Label for the y-axis.
  • Y Value Unit Prefix:
    • None: No prefix.
    • SI: International System of Units (SI) or metric prefix.
    • Binary: Binary multiple prefix.
  • Y Axis Prefix: Prefix to be added to y-value.
  • Y Axis Suffix: Suffix to be added to y-value.
  • Y Axis Domain: The y-axis value range.
    • Auto: Automatically determine the value range based on values in the data set.
    • Custom: Manually specify the minimum y-axis value, maximum y-axis value, or range by including both.
      • Min: Minimum y-axis value.
      • Max: Maximum y-axis value.