influxd - InfluxDB service
The influxd
daemon starts and runs all the processes necessary for InfluxDB to function.
influxd [flags]
influxd [command]
For information about other available InfluxDB configuration methods, see InfluxDB configuration options.
Command | Description |
generate | Generate time series data sets using TOML schema |
inspect | Inspect on-disk database data |
run | Start the influxd server (default) |
upgrade | Upgrade a 1.x version of InfluxDB to 2.0 |
version | Output the current version of InfluxDB |
- --assets-path
- --bolt-path
- --e2e-testing
- --engine-path
- -h, —help
- --http-bind-address
- --influxql-max-select-buckets
- --influxql-max-select-point
- --influxql-max-select-series
- --log-level
- --new-meta-store
- --new-meta-store-read-only
- --no-tasks
- --query-concurrency
- --query-initial-memory-bytes
- --query-max-memory-bytes
- --query-memory-bytes
- --query-queue-size
- --reporting-disabled
- --secret-store
- --session-length
- --session-renew-disabled
- --storage-cache-max-memory-size
- --storage-cache-snapshot-memory-size
- --storage-cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration
- --storage-compact-full-write-cold-duration
- --storage-compact-throughput-burst
- --storage-max-concurrent-compactions
- --storage-max-index-log-file-size
- --storage-retention-check-interval
- --storage-series-file-max-concurrent-snapshot-compactions
- --storage-series-id-set-cache-size
- --storage-shard-precreator-advance-period
- --storage-shard-precreator-check-interval
- --storage-tsm-use-madv-willneed
- --storage-validate-keys
- --storage-wal-fsync-delay
- --tls-cert
- --tls-key
- --tls-min-version
- --tls-strict-ciphers
- --tracing-type
- --vault-client-key
- --vault-max-retries
- --vault-client-timeout
- --vault-skip-verify
- --vault-tls-server-name
- --vault-token