• influxdb-client-java
    • Note: Use this client library with InfluxDB 2.x and InfluxDB 1.8+ ( see details ). For connecting to InfluxDB 1.7 or earlier instances, use the influxdb-java client library.
  • Features
  • Documentation
  • How To Use
    • Writes and Queries in InfluxDB 2.0
      • Installation
        • Maven dependency:
        • Or when using Gradle:
    • Use Management API to create a new Bucket in InfluxDB 2.0
      • Installation
        • Maven dependency:
        • Or when using Gradle:
    • InfluxDB 1.8 API compatibility
    • Flux queries in InfluxDB 1.7+
      • Installation
        • Maven dependency:
        • Or when using Gradle:
  • Build Requirements
  • Contributing
  • License

    Java - 图1influxdb-client-java

    CircleCI codecov License Maven Central Maven Site GitHub issues GitHub pull requests Slack Status

    This repository contains the reference JVM clients for the InfluxDB 2.0. Currently, Java, Reactive, Kotlin and Scala clients are implemented.

    Java - 图10Note: Use this client library with InfluxDB 2.x and InfluxDB 1.8+ (see details). For connecting to InfluxDB 1.7 or earlier instances, use the influxdb-java client library.

    Java - 图11Features

    • InfluxDB 2.0 client
      • Querying data using the Flux language
      • Writing data using
      • InfluxDB 2.0 Management API client for managing
        • sources, buckets
        • tasks
        • authorizations
        • health check
    • Supports querying using the Flux language over the InfluxDB 1.7+ REST API (/api/v2/query endpoint)

    Java - 图12Documentation

    The Java, Reactive, Kotlin and Scala clients are implemented for the InfluxDB 2.0:

    javaThe reference Java client that allows query, write and InfluxDB 2.0 management.javadoc, readme2.0
    reactiveThe reference RxJava client for the InfluxDB 2.0 that allows query and write in a reactive way.javadoc, readme2.0
    kotlinThe reference Kotlin client that allows query and write for the InfluxDB 2.0 by Kotlin Channel coroutines.KDoc, readme2.0
    scalaThe reference Scala client that allows query and write for the InfluxDB 2.0 by Akka Streams.Scaladoc, readme2.0

    There is also possibility to use the Flux language over the InfluxDB 1.7+ provided by:

    fluxThe reference Java client that allows you to perform Flux queries against InfluxDB 1.7+.javadoc, readme1.7+

    The last useful part is flux-dsl that helps construct Flux query by Query builder pattern:

    1. Flux flux = Flux
    2. .from("telegraf")
    3. .window(15L, ChronoUnit.MINUTES, 20L, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
    4. .sum();
    flux-dslA Java query builder for the Flux languagejavadoc, readme1.7+, 2.0

    Java - 图13How To Use

    This clients are hosted in Maven central Repository.

    If you want to use it with the Maven, you have to add only the dependency on the artifact.

    Java - 图14Writes and Queries in InfluxDB 2.0

    The following example demonstrates how to write data to InfluxDB 2.0 and read them back using the Flux language.

    Java - 图15Installation

    Download the latest version:

    Java - 图16Maven dependency:
    1. <dependency>
    2. <groupId>com.influxdb</groupId>
    3. <artifactId>influxdb-client-java</artifactId>
    4. <version>1.13.0</version>
    5. </dependency>
    Java - 图17Or when using Gradle:
    1. dependencies {
    2. compile "com.influxdb:influxdb-client-java:1.13.0"
    3. }
    1. package example;
    2. import java.time.Instant;
    3. import java.util.List;
    4. import com.influxdb.annotations.Column;
    5. import com.influxdb.annotations.Measurement;
    6. import com.influxdb.client.InfluxDBClient;
    7. import com.influxdb.client.InfluxDBClientFactory;
    8. import com.influxdb.client.QueryApi;
    9. import com.influxdb.client.WriteApi;
    10. import com.influxdb.client.domain.WritePrecision;
    11. import com.influxdb.client.write.Point;
    12. import com.influxdb.query.FluxRecord;
    13. import com.influxdb.query.FluxTable;
    14. public class InfluxDB2Example {
    15. private static char[] token = "my-token".toCharArray();
    16. private static String org = "my-org";
    17. private static String bucket = "my-bucket";
    18. public static void main(final String[] args) {
    19. InfluxDBClient influxDBClient = InfluxDBClientFactory.create("http://localhost:8086", token, org, bucket);
    20. //
    21. // Write data
    22. //
    23. try (WriteApi writeApi = influxDBClient.getWriteApi()) {
    24. //
    25. // Write by Data Point
    26. //
    27. Point point = Point.measurement("temperature")
    28. .addTag("location", "west")
    29. .addField("value", 55D)
    30. .time(Instant.now().toEpochMilli(), WritePrecision.MS);
    31. writeApi.writePoint(point);
    32. //
    33. // Write by LineProtocol
    34. //
    35. writeApi.writeRecord(WritePrecision.MS, "temperature,location=north value=60.0");
    36. //
    37. // Write by POJO
    38. //
    39. Temperature temperature = new Temperature();
    40. temperature.location = "south";
    41. temperature.value = 62D;
    42. temperature.time = Instant.now();
    43. writeApi.writeMeasurement(WritePrecision.MS, temperature);
    44. }
    45. //
    46. // Query data
    47. //
    48. String flux = "from(bucket:\"my-bucket\") |> range(start: 0)";
    49. QueryApi queryApi = influxDBClient.getQueryApi();
    50. List<FluxTable> tables = queryApi.query(flux);
    51. for (FluxTable fluxTable : tables) {
    52. List<FluxRecord> records = fluxTable.getRecords();
    53. for (FluxRecord fluxRecord : records) {
    54. System.out.println(fluxRecord.getTime() + ": " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value"));
    55. }
    56. }
    57. influxDBClient.close();
    58. }
    59. @Measurement(name = "temperature")
    60. private static class Temperature {
    61. @Column(tag = true)
    62. String location;
    63. @Column
    64. Double value;
    65. @Column(timestamp = true)
    66. Instant time;
    67. }
    68. }

    Java - 图18Use Management API to create a new Bucket in InfluxDB 2.0

    The following example demonstrates how to use a InfluxDB 2.0 Management API. For further information see client documentation.

    Java - 图19Installation

    Download the latest version:

    Java - 图20Maven dependency:
    1. <dependency>
    2. <groupId>com.influxdb</groupId>
    3. <artifactId>influxdb-client-java</artifactId>
    4. <version>1.13.0</version>
    5. </dependency>
    Java - 图21Or when using Gradle:
    1. dependencies {
    2. compile "com.influxdb:influxdb-client-java:1.13.0"
    3. }
    1. package example;
    2. import java.util.Arrays;
    3. import com.influxdb.client.InfluxDBClient;
    4. import com.influxdb.client.InfluxDBClientFactory;
    5. import com.influxdb.client.domain.Authorization;
    6. import com.influxdb.client.domain.Bucket;
    7. import com.influxdb.client.domain.Permission;
    8. import com.influxdb.client.domain.PermissionResource;
    9. import com.influxdb.client.domain.BucketRetentionRules;
    10. public class InfluxDB2ManagementExample {
    11. private static char[] token = "my-token".toCharArray();
    12. public static void main(final String[] args) {
    13. InfluxDBClient influxDBClient = InfluxDBClientFactory.create("http://localhost:8086", token);
    14. //
    15. // Create bucket "iot_bucket" with data retention set to 3,600 seconds
    16. //
    17. BucketRetentionRules retention = new BucketRetentionRules();
    18. retention.setEverySeconds(3600);
    19. Bucket bucket = influxDBClient.getBucketsApi().createBucket("iot-bucket", retention, "12bdc4164c2e8141");
    20. //
    21. // Create access token to "iot_bucket"
    22. //
    23. PermissionResource resource = new PermissionResource();
    24. resource.setId(bucket.getId());
    25. resource.setOrgID("12bdc4164c2e8141");
    26. resource.setType(PermissionResource.TypeEnum.BUCKETS);
    27. // Read permission
    28. Permission read = new Permission();
    29. read.setResource(resource);
    30. read.setAction(Permission.ActionEnum.READ);
    31. // Write permission
    32. Permission write = new Permission();
    33. write.setResource(resource);
    34. write.setAction(Permission.ActionEnum.WRITE);
    35. Authorization authorization = influxDBClient.getAuthorizationsApi()
    36. .createAuthorization("12bdc4164c2e8141", Arrays.asList(read, write));
    37. //
    38. // Created token that can be use for writes to "iot_bucket"
    39. //
    40. String token = authorization.getToken();
    41. System.out.println("Token: " + token);
    42. influxDBClient.close();
    43. }
    44. }

    Java - 图22InfluxDB 1.8 API compatibility

    InfluxDB 1.8.0 introduced forward compatibility APIs for InfluxDB 2.0. This allow you to easily move from InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.0 Cloud or open source.

    The following forward compatible APIs are available:

    QueryApi.java/api/v2/queryQuery data in InfluxDB 1.8.0+ using the InfluxDB 2.0 API and Flux (endpoint should be enabled by flux-enabled option)
    WriteApi.java/api/v2/writeWrite data to InfluxDB 1.8.0+ using the InfluxDB 2.0 API
    health()/healthCheck the health of your InfluxDB instance

    For detail info see InfluxDB 1.8 example.

    Java - 图23Flux queries in InfluxDB 1.7+

    The following example demonstrates querying using the Flux language.

    Java - 图24Installation

    Download the latest version:

    Java - 图25Maven dependency:
    1. <dependency>
    2. <groupId>com.influxdb</groupId>
    3. <artifactId>influxdb-client-flux</artifactId>
    4. <version>1.13.0</version>
    5. </dependency>
    Java - 图26Or when using Gradle:
    1. dependencies {
    2. compile "com.influxdb:influxdb-client-flux:1.13.0"
    3. }
    1. package example;
    2. import java.util.List;
    3. import com.influxdb.client.flux.FluxClient;
    4. import com.influxdb.client.flux.FluxClientFactory;
    5. import com.influxdb.query.FluxRecord;
    6. import com.influxdb.query.FluxTable;
    7. public class FluxExample {
    8. public static void main(String[] args) {
    9. FluxClient fluxClient = FluxClientFactory.create("http://localhost:8086/");
    10. //
    11. // Flux
    12. //
    13. String flux = "from(bucket: \"telegraf\")\n" +
    14. " |> range(start: -1d)" +
    15. " |> filter(fn: (r) => (r[\"_measurement\"] == \"cpu\" and r[\"_field\"] == \"usage_system\"))" +
    16. " |> sample(n: 5, pos: 1)";
    17. //
    18. // Synchronous query
    19. //
    20. List<FluxTable> tables = fluxClient.query(flux);
    21. for (FluxTable fluxTable : tables) {
    22. List<FluxRecord> records = fluxTable.getRecords();
    23. for (FluxRecord fluxRecord : records) {
    24. System.out.println(fluxRecord.getTime() + ": " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value"));
    25. }
    26. }
    27. //
    28. // Asynchronous query
    29. //
    30. fluxClient.query(flux, (cancellable, record) -> {
    31. // process the flux query result record
    32. System.out.println(record.getTime() + ": " + record.getValue());
    33. }, error -> {
    34. // error handling while processing result
    35. System.out.println("Error occurred: "+ error.getMessage());
    36. }, () -> {
    37. // on complete
    38. System.out.println("Query completed");
    39. });
    40. fluxClient.close();
    41. }
    42. }

    Java - 图27Build Requirements

    • Java 1.8+ (tested with jdk8)
    • Maven 3.0+ (tested with maven 3.5.0)
    • Docker daemon running
    • The latest InfluxDB 2.0 and InfluxDB 1.X docker instances, which can be started using the ./scripts/influxdb-restart.sh script

    Once these are in place you can build influxdb-client-java with all tests with:

    1. $ mvn clean install

    If you don’t have Docker running locally, you can skip tests with the -DskipTests flag set to true:

    1. $ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

    If you have Docker running, but it is not available over localhost (e.g. you are on a Mac and using docker-machine) you can set optional environment variables to point to the correct IP addresses and ports:

    1. $ export INFLUXDB_IP=
    2. $ mvn test

    Java - 图28Contributing

    If you would like to contribute code you can do through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request into the master branch.

    Java - 图29License

    The InfluxDB 2.0 JVM Based Clients are released under the MIT License.