csv.from() function

The csv.from() function is experimental and subject to change at any time. By using this function, you accept the risks of experimental functions.

The experimental csv.from() function retrieves annotated CSV from a URL.

The experimental csv.from() function is an alternative to the standard csv.from() function.

*Function type: Input*

  1. import "experimental/csv"
  2. csv.from(url: "http://localhost:8086/")



The URL to retrieve annotated CSV from.

*Data type: String*


Query annotated CSV data from a remote URL
  1. import "experimental/csv"
  2. csv.from(url: "http://example.com/csv/example.csv")
  3. |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")

Function definition

  1. package csv
  2. import c "csv"
  3. import "experimental/http"
  4. from = (url) => c.from(csv: string(v: http.get(url: url).body))