Create a bucket

Use the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or the influx command line interface (CLI) to create a bucket.

Create a bucket in the InfluxDB UI

There are two places you can create a bucket in the UI.

Create a bucket from the Load Data menu

  1. In the navigation menu on the left, select Data (Load Data) > Buckets.


    Load Data

  2. Click Create Bucket in the upper right.

  3. Enter a Name for the bucket.

  4. Select when to Delete Data:

    • Never to retain data forever.

    • Older than to choose a specific retention policy.

  5. Click Create to create the bucket.

Create a bucket in the Data Explorer

  1. In the navigation menu on the left, select Explore* (Data Explorer**).


    Data Explorer

  2. In the From panel in the Flux Builder, select + Create Bucket.

  3. Enter a Name for the bucket.

  4. Select when to Delete Data:

    • Never to retain data forever.

    • Older than to choose a specific retention policy.

  5. Click Create to create the bucket.

Create a bucket using the influx CLI

Use the influx bucket create command to create a new bucket. A bucket requires the following:

  • bucket name
  • organization name or ID
  • retention period (duration to keep data) in one of the following units:

    • nanoseconds (ns)
    • microseconds (us or µs)
    • milliseconds (ms)
    • seconds (s)
    • minutes (m)
    • hours (h)
    • days (d)
    • weeks (w)

      1. # Syntax
      2. influx bucket create -n <bucket-name> -o <org-name> -r <retention-period-duration>
      3. # Example
      4. influx bucket create -n my-bucket -o my-org -r 72h