sensu.endpoint() function

The sensu.endpoint() function is a user-contributed function maintained by the package author and can be updated or removed at any time.

The sensu.endpoint() function sends an event to the Sensu Events API using data from table rows.

*Function type: Output*

  1. import "contrib/sranka/sensu"
  2. sensu.endpoint(
  3. url: "http://localhost:8080",
  4. apiKey: "mYSuP3rs3cREtApIK3Y",
  5. handlers: [],
  6. namespace: "default",
  7. entityName: "influxdb"
  8. )



Required Base URL of Sensu API without a trailing slash. Example: http://localhost:8080.

*Data type: String*


Required Sensu API Key.

*Data type: String*


Sensu handlers to execute. Default is [].

*Data type: Array of strings*


Sensu namespace. Default is default.

*Data type: String*


Event source. Use alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). All other characters are replaced with an underscore. Default is influxdb.

*Data type: String*


sensu.endpoint is a factory function that outputs another function. The output function requires a mapFn parameter.


A function that builds the object used to generate the POST request. Requires an r parameter.

*Data type: Function*

mapFn accepts a table row (r) and returns an object that must include the following fields:

  • checkName
  • text
  • status

For more information, see sensu.event() parameters.


Send critical status events to Sensu
  1. import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
  2. import "contrib/sranka/sensu"
  3. token = secrets.get(key: "TELEGRAM_TOKEN")
  4. endpoint = sensu.endpoint(
  5. url: "http://localhost:8080",
  6. apiKey: apiKey
  7. )
  8. crit_statuses = from(bucket: "example-bucket")
  9. |> range(start: -1m)
  10. |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "statuses" and status == "crit")
  11. crit_statuses
  12. |> endpoint(mapFn: (r) => ({
  13. checkName: "critStatus",
  14. text: "Status is critical",
  15. status: 2
  16. })
  17. )()

Package author and maintainer

Github: @sranka
InfluxDB Slack: @sranka

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