8.9. Examples of logs
- These are real-world examples of logs accompanied with an explanation. Some of
- them have been made up by hand. The syslog part has been removed for better
- reading. Their sole purpose is to explain how to decipher them.
- >>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:31:57.130] px-http \
- px-http/srv1 6559/0/7/147/6723 200 243 - - ---- 5/3/3/1/0 0/0 \
- "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"
- => long request (6.5s) entered by hand through 'telnet'. The server replied
- in 147 ms, and the session ended normally ('----')
- >>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:31:57.149] px-http \
- px-http/srv1 6559/1230/7/147/6870 200 243 - - ---- 324/239/239/99/0 \
- 0/9 "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"
- => Idem, but the request was queued in the global queue behind 9 other
- requests, and waited there for 1230 ms.
- >>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:32:17.654] px-http \
- px-http/srv1 9/0/7/14/+30 200 +243 - - ---- 3/3/3/1/0 0/0 \
- "GET /image.iso HTTP/1.0"
- => request for a long data transfer. The "logasap" option was specified, so
- the log was produced just before transferring data. The server replied in
- 14 ms, 243 bytes of headers were sent to the client, and total time from
- accept to first data byte is 30 ms.
- >>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:32:17.925] px-http \
- px-http/srv1 9/0/7/14/30 502 243 - - PH-- 3/2/2/0/0 0/0 \
- "GET /cgi-bin/bug.cgi? HTTP/1.0"
- => the proxy blocked a server response either because of an "rspdeny" or
- "rspideny" filter, or because the response was improperly formatted and
- not HTTP-compliant, or because it blocked sensitive information which
- risked being cached. In this case, the response is replaced with a "502
- bad gateway". The flags ("PH--") tell us that it was haproxy who decided
- to return the 502 and not the server.
- >>> haproxy[18113]: [15/Oct/2003:15:18:55.798] px-http \
- px-http/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/8490 -1 0 - - CR-- 2/2/2/0/0 0/0 ""
- => the client never completed its request and aborted itself ("C---") after
- 8.5s, while the proxy was waiting for the request headers ("-R--").
- Nothing was sent to any server.
- >>> haproxy[18113]: [15/Oct/2003:15:19:06.103] px-http \
- px-http/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/50001 408 0 - - cR-- 2/2/2/0/0 0/0 ""
- => The client never completed its request, which was aborted by the
- time-out ("c---") after 50s, while the proxy was waiting for the request
- headers ("-R--"). Nothing was sent to any server, but the proxy could
- send a 408 return code to the client.
- >>> haproxy[18989]: [15/Oct/2003:15:24:28.312] px-tcp \
- px-tcp/srv1 0/0/5007 0 cD 0/0/0/0/0 0/0
- => This log was produced with "option tcplog". The client timed out after
- 5 seconds ("c----").
- >>> haproxy[18989]: [15/Oct/2003:15:26:31.462] px-http \
- px-http/srv1 3183/-1/-1/-1/11215 503 0 - - SC-- 205/202/202/115/3 \
- 0/0 "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"
- => The request took 3s to complete (probably a network problem), and the
- connection to the server failed ('SC--') after 4 attempts of 2 seconds
- (config says 'retries 3'), and no redispatch (otherwise we would have
- seen "/+3"). Status code 503 was returned to the client. There were 115
- connections on this server, 202 connections on this proxy, and 205 on
- the global process. It is possible that the server refused the
- connection because of too many already established.