8.6. Non-printable characters

  1. In order not to cause trouble to log analysis tools or terminals during log
  2. consulting, non-printable characters are not sent as-is into log files, but are
  3. converted to the two-digits hexadecimal representation of their ASCII code,
  4. prefixed by the character '#'. The only characters that can be logged without
  5. being escaped are comprised between 32 and 126 (inclusive). Obviously, the
  6. escape character '#' itself is also encoded to avoid any ambiguity ("#23"). It
  7. is the same for the character '"' which becomes "#22", as well as '{', '|' and
  8. '}' when logging headers.
  10. Note that the space character (' ') is not encoded in headers, which can cause
  11. issues for tools relying on space count to locate fields. A typical header
  12. containing spaces is "User-Agent".
  14. Last, it has been observed that some syslog daemons such as syslog-ng escape
  15. the quote ('"') with a backslash ('\'). The reverse operation can safely be
  16. performed since no quote may appear anywhere else in the logs.