2.5. Examples
- # Simple configuration for an HTTP proxy listening on port 80 on all
- # interfaces and forwarding requests to a single backend "servers" with a
- # single server "server1" listening on
- global
- daemon
- maxconn 256
- defaults
- mode http
- timeout connect 5000ms
- timeout client 50000ms
- timeout server 50000ms
- frontend http-in
- bind *:80
- default_backend servers
- backend servers
- server server1 maxconn 32
- # The same configuration defined with a single listen block. Shorter but
- # less expressive, especially in HTTP mode.
- global
- daemon
- maxconn 256
- defaults
- mode http
- timeout connect 5000ms
- timeout client 50000ms
- timeout server 50000ms
- listen http-in
- bind *:80
- server server1 maxconn 32
- Assuming haproxy is in $PATH, test these configurations in a shell with:
- $ sudo haproxy -f configuration.conf -c