3. Global parameters

  1. Parameters in the "global" section are process-wide and often OS-specific. They
  2. are generally set once for all and do not need being changed once correct. Some
  3. of them have command-line equivalents.
  5. The following keywords are supported in the "global" section :
  7. * Process management and security
  8. - ca-base
  9. - chroot
  10. - crt-base
  11. - cpu-map
  12. - daemon
  13. - description
  14. - deviceatlas-json-file
  15. - deviceatlas-log-level
  16. - deviceatlas-separator
  17. - deviceatlas-properties-cookie
  18. - external-check
  19. - gid
  20. - group
  21. - hard-stop-after
  22. - h1-case-adjust
  23. - h1-case-adjust-file
  24. - log
  25. - log-tag
  26. - log-send-hostname
  27. - lua-load
  28. - mworker-max-reloads
  29. - nbproc
  30. - nbthread
  31. - node
  32. - pidfile
  33. - presetenv
  34. - resetenv
  35. - uid
  36. - ulimit-n
  37. - user
  38. - set-dumpable
  39. - setenv
  40. - stats
  41. - ssl-default-bind-ciphers
  42. - ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites
  43. - ssl-default-bind-options
  44. - ssl-default-server-ciphers
  45. - ssl-default-server-ciphersuites
  46. - ssl-default-server-options
  47. - ssl-dh-param-file
  48. - ssl-server-verify
  49. - unix-bind
  50. - unsetenv
  51. - 51degrees-data-file
  52. - 51degrees-property-name-list
  53. - 51degrees-property-separator
  54. - 51degrees-cache-size
  55. - wurfl-data-file
  56. - wurfl-information-list
  57. - wurfl-information-list-separator
  58. - wurfl-cache-size
  60. * Performance tuning
  61. - max-spread-checks
  62. - maxconn
  63. - maxconnrate
  64. - maxcomprate
  65. - maxcompcpuusage
  66. - maxpipes
  67. - maxsessrate
  68. - maxsslconn
  69. - maxsslrate
  70. - maxzlibmem
  71. - noepoll
  72. - nokqueue
  73. - noevports
  74. - nopoll
  75. - nosplice
  76. - nogetaddrinfo
  77. - noreuseport
  78. - profiling.tasks
  79. - spread-checks
  80. - server-state-base
  81. - server-state-file
  82. - ssl-engine
  83. - ssl-mode-async
  84. - tune.buffers.limit
  85. - tune.buffers.reserve
  86. - tune.bufsize
  87. - tune.chksize
  88. - tune.comp.maxlevel
  89. - tune.h2.header-table-size
  90. - tune.h2.initial-window-size
  91. - tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams
  92. - tune.http.cookielen
  93. - tune.http.logurilen
  94. - tune.http.maxhdr
  95. - tune.idletimer
  96. - tune.lua.forced-yield
  97. - tune.lua.maxmem
  98. - tune.lua.session-timeout
  99. - tune.lua.task-timeout
  100. - tune.lua.service-timeout
  101. - tune.maxaccept
  102. - tune.maxpollevents
  103. - tune.maxrewrite
  104. - tune.pattern.cache-size
  105. - tune.pipesize
  106. - tune.rcvbuf.client
  107. - tune.rcvbuf.server
  108. - tune.recv_enough
  109. - tune.runqueue-depth
  110. - tune.sndbuf.client
  111. - tune.sndbuf.server
  112. - tune.ssl.cachesize
  113. - tune.ssl.lifetime
  114. - tune.ssl.force-private-cache
  115. - tune.ssl.maxrecord
  116. - tune.ssl.default-dh-param
  117. - tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size
  118. - tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size
  119. - tune.vars.global-max-size
  120. - tune.vars.proc-max-size
  121. - tune.vars.reqres-max-size
  122. - tune.vars.sess-max-size
  123. - tune.vars.txn-max-size
  124. - tune.zlib.memlevel
  125. - tune.zlib.windowsize
  127. * Debugging
  128. - debug
  129. - quiet