9.1. Trace

filter trace [name ] [random-parsing] [random-forwarding] [hexdump]


  1. <name> is an arbitrary name that will be reported in
  2. messages. If no name is provided, "TRACE" is used.
  4. <random-parsing> enables the random parsing of data exchanged between
  5. the client and the server. By default, this filter
  6. parses all available data. With this parameter, it
  7. only parses a random amount of the available data.
  9. <random-forwarding> enables the random forwarding of parsed data. By
  10. default, this filter forwards all previously parsed
  11. data. With this parameter, it only forwards a random
  12. amount of the parsed data.
  14. <hexdump> dumps all forwarded data to the server and the client.
  1. This filter can be used as a base to develop new filters. It defines all
  2. callbacks and print a message on the standard error stream (stderr) with useful
  3. information for all of them. It may be useful to debug the activity of other
  4. filters or, quite simply, HAProxy's activity.
  6. Using <random-parsing> and/or <random-forwarding> parameters is a good way to
  7. tests the behavior of a filter that parses data exchanged between a client and
  8. a server by adding some latencies in the processing.