Add a user
Add users when you want to manually provide individuals with access to Grafana.
When you create a user using this method, you must create their password. The user does not receive a notification by email. To invite a user to Grafana and allow them to create their own password, invite a user to join an organization.
When you configure advanced authentication using Oauth, SAML, LDAP, or the Auth proxy, users are created automatically.
Before you begin
- Ensure that you have Grafana server administrator privileges
To add a user:
- Sign in to Grafana as a server administrator.
- Hover your cursor over the Server Admin (shield) icon until a menu appears, and click Users.
- Click New user.
- Complete the fields and click Create user.
When you create a user, the system assigns the user viewer permissions in a default organization, which you can change. You can now add a user to a second organization.
Note: If you have organization administrator permissions and not server administrator permissions, you can still add users by inviting a user to join an organization.