

演示工程主要演示了 FlashDB 从初始化,到示例运行的过程。


演示工程中,main.c 中的 main 函数 为入口函数,该函数分为两段,分别初始化了一个 KVDB 和 TSDB 对象,然后执行与之对应的示例函数,大致内容如下:

  1. #ifdef FDB_USING_KVDB
  2. { /* KVDB Sample */
  3. struct fdb_default_kv default_kv;
  4. default_kv.kvs = default_kv_table;
  5. default_kv.num = sizeof(default_kv_table) / sizeof(default_kv_table[0]);
  6. /* set the lock and unlock function if you want */
  7. fdb_kvdb_control(&kvdb, FDB_KVDB_CTRL_SET_LOCK, lock);
  8. fdb_kvdb_control(&kvdb, FDB_KVDB_CTRL_SET_UNLOCK, unlock);
  9. /* Key-Value database initialization
  10. *
  11. * &kvdb: database object
  12. * "env": database name
  13. * "fdb_kvdb1": The flash partition name base on FAL. Please make sure it's in FAL partition table.
  14. * Please change to YOUR partition name.
  15. * &default_kv: The default KV nodes. It will auto add to KVDB when first initialize successfully.
  16. * NULL: The user data if you need, now is empty.
  17. */
  18. result = fdb_kvdb_init(&kvdb, "env", "fdb_kvdb1", &default_kv, NULL);
  19. if (result != FDB_NO_ERR) {
  20. return -1;
  21. }
  22. /* run basic KV samples */
  23. kvdb_basic_sample(&kvdb);
  24. /* run string KV samples */
  25. kvdb_type_string_sample(&kvdb);
  26. /* run blob KV samples */
  27. kvdb_type_blob_sample(&kvdb);
  28. }
  29. #endif /* FDB_USING_KVDB */
  30. #ifdef FDB_USING_TSDB
  31. { /* TSDB Sample */
  32. /* set the lock and unlock function if you want */
  33. fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_SET_LOCK, lock);
  34. fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_SET_UNLOCK, unlock);
  35. /* Time series database initialization
  36. *
  37. * &tsdb: database object
  38. * "log": database name
  39. * "fdb_tsdb1": The flash partition name base on FAL. Please make sure it's in FAL partition table.
  40. * Please change to YOUR partition name.
  41. * get_time: The get current timestamp function.
  42. * 128: maximum length of each log
  43. * NULL: The user data if you need, now is empty.
  44. */
  45. result = fdb_tsdb_init(&tsdb, "log", "fdb_tsdb1", get_time, 128, NULL);
  46. /* read last saved time for simulated timestamp */
  47. fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_GET_LAST_TIME, &counts);
  48. if (result != FDB_NO_ERR) {
  49. return -1;
  50. }
  51. /* run TSDB sample */
  52. tsdb_sample(&tsdb);
  53. }
  54. #endif /* FDB_USING_TSDB */


初始化 KVDB 及 TSDB 前通常需要通过 control 函数设置 加锁回调解锁回调

  • KVDB:
    • fdb_kvdb_control(&kvdb, FDB_KVDB_CTRL_SET_LOCK, lock);
    • fdb_kvdb_control(&kvdb, FDB_KVDB_CTRL_SET_UNLOCK, unlock);
  • TSDB:
    • fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_SET_LOCK, lock);
    • fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_SET_UNLOCK, unlock);

对于裸机平台,加锁与解锁回调通常设置为关中断与开中断函数。而 RTOS 平台一般使用 mutex 互斥锁或 二值信号量 的 take 及 release 动作作为加锁与解锁的方式。


对于 TSDB,正常项目中的时间戳应当通过 RTC 或者网络时钟方式来获取,但是这里为了增强演示工程的通用性,使用 fdb_tsdb_control(&tsdb, FDB_TSDB_CTRL_GET_LAST_TIME, &counts); 获取 TSDB 上次使用的时间戳,存入 counts 。每次使用 get_time 获取当前时间时,会对 counts 进行加一处理,模拟时间往前走的动作,避免重复。




示例函数 说明 详解
kvdb_basic_sample(&kvdb) KVDB 基础示例 点击查看
kvdb_type_string_sample(&kvdb) 字符串类型 KV 示例 点击查看
kvdb_type_blob_sample(&kvdb) blob 类型 KV 示例 点击查看
tsdb_sample(&tsdb) TSDB 基础示例 点击查看



FAL 初始化

FAL 初始化时会打印 Flash 设备信息及分区表信息。

  1. [D/FAL] (fal_flash_init:65) Flash device | stm32_onchip | addr: 0x08000000 | len: 0x00040000 | blk_size: 0x00000800 |initialized finish.
  2. [I/FAL] ==================== FAL partition table ====================
  3. [I/FAL] | name | flash_dev | offset | length |
  4. [I/FAL] -------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [I/FAL] | fdb_tsdb1 | stm32_onchip | 0x0001a000 | 0x00002000 |
  6. [I/FAL] | fdb_kvdb1 | stm32_onchip | 0x0001c000 | 0x00004000 |
  7. [I/FAL] =============================================================
  8. [I/FAL] Flash Abstraction Layer (V0.5.0) initialize success.

KVDB 初始化

KVDB 每次初始化时会检查扇区头部信息是否正确(扇区头部存储了一些属性信息),如果不正确,将会自动格式化该扇区。

Flash 首次使用时,通常需要格式化处理,所以首次初始化时的日志会含有格式化的信息。格式化成功后,后续每次初始化无需再次格式化。

  1. [FlashDB][kv][env] (src/fdb_kvdb.c:1599) KVDB in partition fdb_kvdb1, size is 16384 bytes.
  2. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00000000).
  3. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00000800).
  4. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00001000).
  5. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00001800).
  6. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00002000).
  7. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00002800).
  8. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00003000).
  9. [FlashDB][kv][env] Sector header info is incorrect. Auto format this sector (0x00003800).
  10. [FlashDB][kv][env] All sector header is incorrect. Set it to default.
  11. [FlashDB] FlashDB V1.0.0 beta is initialize success.
  12. [FlashDB] You can get the latest version on https://github.com/armink/FlashDB .

TSDB 初始化

与 KVDB 类似,TSDB 首次初始化时,也会自动执行格式化动作。

  1. [FlashDB][tsl][log] Sector (0x00000000) header info is incorrect.
  2. [FlashDB][tsl][log] All sector format finished.
  3. [FlashDB][tsl][log] (src/fdb_tsdb.c:759) TSDB (log) oldest sectors is 0x00000000, current using sector is 0x00000000.


日志详解,请阅读 示例文档

  1. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] ==================== kvdb_basic_sample ====================
  2. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] get the 'boot_count' value is 0
  3. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] set the 'boot_count' value to 1
  4. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] ===========================================================
  5. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] ==================== kvdb_type_string_sample ====================
  6. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] create the 'temp' string KV, value is: 36C
  7. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] get the 'temp' value is: 36C
  8. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] set 'temp' value to 38C
  9. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] delete the 'temp' finish
  10. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][string] ===========================================================
  11. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] ==================== kvdb_type_blob_sample ====================
  12. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] create the 'temp' blob KV, value is: 36
  13. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] get the 'temp' value is: 36
  14. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] set 'temp' value to 38
  15. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] delete the 'temp' finish
  16. [FlashDB][sample][kvdb][blob] ===========================================================
  17. 省略 TSDB 初始化日志……
  18. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] ==================== tsdb_sample ====================
  19. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] append the new status.temp (36) and status.humi (85)
  20. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] append the new status.temp (38) and status.humi (90)
  21. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] [query_cb] queried a TSL: time: 1, temp: 36, humi: 85
  22. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] [query_cb] queried a TSL: time: 2, temp: 38, humi: 90
  23. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] [query_by_time_cb] queried a TSL: time: 1, temp: 36, humi: 85
  24. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] [query_by_time_cb] queried a TSL: time: 2, temp: 38, humi: 90
  25. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] query count is: 2
  26. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] set the TSL (time 1) status from 2 to 3
  27. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] set the TSL (time 2) status from 2 to 3
  28. [FlashDB][sample][tsdb] ===========================================================


这里主要看下 KVDB 与 TSDB 初始化的日志,对比首次初始化可以发现,第二次启动时的初始化日志会相对少很多,主要少了格式化的过程。

  1. [D/FAL] (fal_flash_init:65) Flash device | stm32_onchip | addr: 0x08000000 | len: 0x00040000 | blk_size: 0x00000800 |initialized finish.
  2. [I/FAL] ==================== FAL partition table ====================
  3. [I/FAL] | name | flash_dev | offset | length |
  4. [I/FAL] -------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [I/FAL] | fdb_tsdb1 | stm32_onchip | 0x0001a000 | 0x00002000 |
  6. [I/FAL] | fdb_kvdb1 | stm32_onchip | 0x0001c000 | 0x00004000 |
  7. [I/FAL] =============================================================
  8. [I/FAL] Flash Abstraction Layer (V0.5.0) initialize success.
  9. [FlashDB][kv][env] (D:/Program/STM32/FlashDB/src/fdb_kvdb.c:1599) KVDB in partition fdb_kvdb1, size is 16384 bytes.
  10. [FlashDB] FlashDB V1.0.0 beta is initialize success.
  11. [FlashDB] You can get the latest version on https://github.com/armink/FlashDB .
  12. 省略示例运行日志……
  13. [FlashDB][tsl][log] (D:/Program/STM32/FlashDB/src/fdb_tsdb.c:759) TSDB (log) oldest sectors is 0x00000000, current using sector is 0x00000000.
  14. 省略示例运行日志……