This section describes all the APIs of Feathers and its individual modules.
- Core: Feathers core functionality
- Application - The main Feathers application API
- Services - Service objects and their methods and Feathers specific functionality
- Hooks - Pluggable middleware for service methods
- Events - Events sent by Feathers service methods
- Channels - Decide what events to send to connected real-time clients
- Errors - A collection of error classes used throughout Feathers
- Configuration - A node-config wrapper to initialize configuraiton of a server side application.
- Transports: Expose a Feathers application as an API server
- Client: More details on how to use Feathers on the client
- Authentication: Feathers authentication mechanism
- Database: Feathers common database adapter API and querying mechanism
- Adapters - A list of supported database adapters
- Common API - Database adapter common initialization and configuration API
- Querying - The common querying mechanism