

  1. func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell, format string) error

根据给定的工作表名、单元格坐标和样式(包括偏移、缩放、拉伸、宽高比和打印属性等)在指定单元格添加形状。例如,在名为 Sheet1 的工作表上添加文本框(矩形):

  1. xlsx.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", `{"type":"rect","color":{"line":"#4286F4","fill":"#8eb9ff"},"paragraph":[{"text":"Rectangle Shape","font":{"bold":true,"italic":true,"family":"Berlin Sans FB Demi","size":36,"color":"#777777","underline":"sng"}}],"width":180,"height": 90}`)

下面是 Excelize 所支持的所有形状:

名称 形状
accentBorderCallout1 Callout 1 with Border and Accent Shape
accentBorderCallout2 Callout 2 with Border and Accent Shape
accentBorderCallout3 Callout 3 with Border and Accent Shape
accentCallout1 Callout 1 Shape
accentCallout2 Callout 2 Shape
accentCallout3 Callout 3 Shape
actionButtonBackPrevious Back or Previous Button Shape
actionButtonBeginning Beginning Button Shape
actionButtonBlank Blank Button Shape
actionButtonDocument Document Button Shape
actionButtonEnd End Button Shape
actionButtonForwardNext Forward or Next Button Shape
actionButtonHelp Help Button Shape
actionButtonHome Home Button Shape
actionButtonInformation Information Button Shape
actionButtonMovie Movie Button Shape
actionButtonReturn Return Button Shape
actionButtonSound Sound Button Shape
arc Curved Arc Shape
bentArrow Bent Arrow Shape
bentConnector2 Bent Connector 2 Shape
bentConnector3 Bent Connector 3 Shape
bentConnector4 Bent Connector 4 Shape
bentConnector5 Bent Connector 5 Shape
bentUpArrow Bent Up Arrow Shape
bevel Bevel Shape
blockArc Block Arc Shape
borderCallout1 Callout 1 with Border Shape
borderCallout2 Callout 2 with Border Shape
borderCallout3 Callout 3 with Border Shape
bracePair Brace Pair Shape
bracketPair Bracket Pair Shape
callout1 Callout 1 Shape
callout2 Callout 2 Shape
callout3 Callout 3 Shape
can Can Shape
chartPlus Chart Plus Shape
chartStar Chart Star Shape
chartX Chart X Shape
chevron Chevron Shape
chord Chord Shape
circularArrow Circular Arrow Shape
cloud Cloud Shape
cloudCallout Callout Cloud Shape
corner Corner Shape
cornerTabs Corner Tabs Shape
cube Cube Shape
curvedConnector2 Curved Connector 2 Shape
curvedConnector3 Curved Connector 3 Shape
curvedConnector4 Curved Connector 4 Shape
curvedConnector5 Curved Connector 5 Shape
curvedDownArrow Curved Down Arrow Shape
curvedLeftArrow Curved Left Arrow Shape
curvedRightArrow Curved Right Arrow Shape
curvedUpArrow Curved Up Arrow Shape
decagon Decagon Shape
diagStripe Diagonal Stripe Shape
diamond Diamond Shape
dodecagon Dodecagon Shape
donut Donut Shape
doubleWave Double Wave Shape
downArrow Down Arrow Shape
downArrowCallout Callout Down Arrow Shape
ellipse Ellipse Shape
ellipseRibbon Ellipse Ribbon Shape
ellipseRibbon2 Ellipse Ribbon 2 Shape
flowChartAlternateProcess Alternate Process Flow Shape
flowChartCollate Collate Flow Shape
flowChartConnector Connector Flow Shape
flowChartDecision Decision Flow Shape
flowChartDelay Delay Flow Shape
flowChartDisplay Display Flow Shape
flowChartDocument Document Flow Shape
flowChartExtract Extract Flow Shape
flowChartInputOutput Input Output Flow Shape
flowChartInternalStorage Internal Storage Flow Shape
flowChartMagneticDisk Magnetic Disk Flow Shape
flowChartMagneticDrum Magnetic Drum Flow Shape
flowChartMagneticTape Magnetic Tape Flow Shape
flowChartManualInput Manual Input Flow Shape
flowChartManualOperation Manual Operation Flow Shape
flowChartMerge Merge Flow Shape
flowChartMultidocument Multi-Document Flow Shape
flowChartOfflineStorage Offline Storage Flow Shape
flowChartOffpageConnector Off-Page Connector Flow Shape
flowChartOnlineStorage Online Storage Flow Shape
flowChartOr Or Flow Shape
flowChartPredefinedProcess Predefined Process Flow Shape
flowChartPreparation Preparation Flow Shape
flowChartProcess Process Flow Shape
flowChartPunchedCard Punched Card Flow Shape
flowChartPunchedTape Punched Tape Flow Shape
flowChartSort Sort Flow Shape
flowChartSummingJunction Summing Junction Flow Shape
flowChartTerminator Terminator Flow Shape
foldedCorner Folded Corner Shape
frame Frame Shape
funnel Funnel Shape
gear6 Gear 6 Shape
gear9 Gear 9 Shape
halfFrame Half Frame Shape
heart Heart Shape
heptagon Heptagon Shape
hexagon Hexagon Shape
homePlate Home Plate Shape
horizontalScroll Horizontal Scroll Shape
irregularSeal1 Irregular Seal 1 Shape
irregularSeal2 Irregular Seal 2 Shape
leftArrow Left Arrow Shape
leftArrowCallout Callout Left Arrow Shape
leftBrace Left Brace Shape
leftBracket Left Bracket Shape
leftCircularArrow Left Circular Arrow Shape
leftRightArrow Left Right Arrow Shape
leftRightArrowCallout Callout Left Right Arrow Shape
leftRightCircularArrow Left Right Circular Arrow Shape
leftRightRibbon Left Right Ribbon Shape
leftRightUpArrow Left Right Up Arrow Shape
leftUpArrow Left Up Arrow Shape
lightningBolt Lightning Bolt Shape
line Line Shape
lineInv Line Inverse Shape
mathDivide Divide Math Shape
mathEqual Equal Math Shape
mathMinus Minus Math Shape
mathMultiply Multiply Math Shape
mathNotEqual Not Equal Math Shape
mathPlus Plus Math Shape
moon Moon Shape
nonIsoscelesTrapezoid Non-Isosceles Trapezoid Shape
noSmoking No Smoking Shape
notchedRightArrow Notched Right Arrow Shape
octagon Octagon Shape
parallelogram Parallelogram Shape
pentagon Pentagon Shape
pie Pie Shape
pieWedge Pie Wedge Shape
plaque Plaque Shape
plaqueTabs Plaque Tabs Shape
plus Plus Shape
quadArrow Quad-Arrow Shape
quadArrowCallout Callout Quad-Arrow Shape
rect Rectangle Shape
ribbon Ribbon Shape
ribbon2 Ribbon 2 Shape
rightArrow Right Arrow Shape
rightArrowCallout Callout Right Arrow Shape
rightBrace Right Brace Shape
rightBracket Right Bracket Shape
round1Rect One Round Corner Rectangle Shape
round2DiagRect Two Diagonal Round Corner Rectangle Shape
round2SameRect Two Same-side Round Corner Rectangle Shape
roundRect Round Corner Rectangle Shape
rtTriangle Right Triangle Shape
smileyFace Smiley Face Shape
snip1Rect One Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
snip2DiagRect Two Diagonal Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
snip2SameRect Two Same-side Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
snipRoundRect One Snip One Round Corner Rectangle Shape
squareTabs Square Tabs Shape
star10 Ten Pointed Star Shape
star12 Twelve Pointed Star Shape
star16 Sixteen Pointed Star Shape
star24 Twenty Four Pointed Star Shape
star32 Thirty Two Pointed Star Shape
star4 Four Pointed Star Shape
star5 Five Pointed Star Shape
star6 Six Pointed Star Shape
star7 Seven Pointed Star Shape
star8 Eight Pointed Star Shape
straightConnector1 Straight Connector 1 Shape
stripedRightArrow Striped Right Arrow Shape
sun Sun Shape
swooshArrow Swoosh Arrow Shape
teardrop Teardrop Shape
trapezoid Trapezoid Shape
triangle Triangle Shape
upArrow Up Arrow Shape
upArrowCallout Callout Up Arrow Shape
upDownArrow Up Down Arrow Shape
upDownArrowCallout Callout Up Down Arrow Shape
uturnArrow U-Turn Arrow Shape
verticalScroll Vertical Scroll Shape
wave Wave Shape
wedgeEllipseCallout Callout Wedge Ellipse Shape
wedgeRectCallout Callout Wedge Rectangle Shape
wedgeRoundRectCallout Callout Wedge Round Rectangle Shape

原文: https://xuri.me/excelize/zh-hans/shape.html