Scheduler deployment steps

  1. Start ElasticJob-Cloud-Scheduler and Mesos, and specify ZooKeeper as the registry.
  2. Start Mesos Master and Mesos Agent.
  3. Unzip elasticjob-cloud-scheduler-${version}.tar.gz.
  4. Run bin\ to start ElasticJob-Cloud-Scheduler.

Job deployment steps

  1. Ensure that ZooKeeper, Mesos Master/Agent and ElasticJob-Cloud-Scheduler have been started correctly.
  2. Place the tar.gz file of the packaging job in a network accessible location, such as ftp or http. The main method in the packaged tar.gz file needs to call the JobBootstrap.execute method provided by ElasticJob-Cloud.
  3. Use curl command to call RESTful API to publish applications and register jobs. For details: Configuration

Scheduler configuration steps

Modify the conf\ to change the system configuration.

Configuration description:

Attribute NameRequiredDefaultDescription
hostnameyesThe real IP or hostname of the server, cannot be or localhost
usernoUser name used by Mesos framework
mesos_urlyeszk:// url used by Mesos
zk_serversyes127.0.0.1:2181Zookeeper address used by ElasticJob-Cloud
zk_namespacenoelasticjob-cloudZookeeper namespace used by ElasticJob-Cloud
zk_digestnoZookeeper digest used by ElasticJob-Cloud
http_portyes8899Port used by RESTful API
job_state_queue_sizeyes10000The maximum value of the accumulation job, the accumulation job exceeding this threshold will be discarded. Too large value may cause ZooKeeper to become unresponsive, and should be adjusted according to the actual measurement
event_trace_rdb_drivernoDriver of Job event tracking database
event_trace_rdb_urlnoUrl of Job event tracking database
event_trace_rdb_usernamenoUsername of Job event tracking database
event_trace_rdb_passwordnoPassword of Job event tracking database
auth_usernamenorootAPI authentication username
auth_passwordnopwdAPI authentication password

  • Stop: No stop script is provided, you can directly use the kill command to terminate the process.