Module: checkpointer

A checkpointing mechanism for Dopamine agents.

This Checkpointer expects a base directory where checkpoints for different
iterations are stored. Specifically, Checkpointer.save_checkpoint() takes in as
input a dictionary ‘data’ to be pickled to disk. At each iteration, we write a
file called ‘cpkt.#’, where # is the iteration number. The Checkpointer also
cleans up old files, maintaining up to the CHECKPOINT_DURATION most recent

The Checkpointer writes a sentinel file to indicate that checkpointing was
globally successful. This means that all other checkpointing activities (saving
the Tensorflow graph, the replay buffer) should be performed prior to calling
Checkpointer.save_checkpoint(). This allows the Checkpointer to detect
incomplete checkpoints.


After running 10 iterations (numbered 0…9) with base_directory=’/checkpoint’,
the following files will exist: /checkpoint/cpkt.6 /checkpoint/cpkt.7 /checkpoint/cpkt.8 /checkpoint/cpkt.9 /checkpoint/sentinel_checkpoint_complete.6 /checkpoint/sentinel_checkpoint_complete.7 /checkpoint/sentinel_checkpoint_complete.8 /checkpoint/sentinel_checkpoint_complete.9


class Checkpointer: Class for managing
checkpoints for Dopamine agents.