
Doks is a Hugo theme for building secure, fast, and SEO-ready documentation websites, which you can easily update and customize.

On this page

Get started

There are two main ways to get started with Doks:



The Tutorial is intended for novice to intermediate users.

Step-by-step instructions on how to start a new Doks project. Tutorial →

Quick Start


The Quick Start is intended for intermediate to advanced users.

One page summary of how to start a new Doks project. Quick Start →

Go further

Recipes, Reference Guides, Extensions, and Showcase.


Get instructions on how to accomplish common tasks with Doks. Recipes →

Reference Guides

Learn how to customize Doks to fully make it your own. Reference Guides →


Get instructions on how to add even more to Doks. Extensions →


See what others have build with Doks. Showcase →


Find out how to contribute to Doks. Contributing →


Get help on Doks. Help →