
(1/5)添加分组字段:group by 子句

groupBy(String fromClazzFieldName)select fromClazz.fromClazzFieldName
group by fromClazz.fromClazzFieldName
groupByOther(String tableAlias, String fieldName, String alias)select tableAlias.fieldName as alias
group by tableAlias.fieldName

(2/5)添加组函数及过滤结果:聚合函数、having 子句


无 tableAlias 参数的重载方法,tableAlias=HqlHelper.currTable 即:fromClazz 的别名

distinct 仅当调用 countDistinct 方法时候添加。

avg,count,countDistinct,max,min,sum(String tableAlias, String fieldName, String avgAlias)select …, sum,count,count,max,min,sum(distinct tableAlias.fieldName) as sumAlias
from …
where …
group by …

B、having 子句

having_XXXX 系列方法需要紧随组函数使用,表示对该组函数的过滤规则

having_eq,ne,ge,gt,lt,le(Object value)
group by …
having {current group function} =,!=,>=,>,<,<= value
having_between,notBetween(Object value)
group by …
having {current group function} between,not between value1 and value2
having_in,notIn(Object… values)
group by …
having {current group function} in,not in values
having_like,notLike(String value, MatchType matchType)
group by …
having {current group function} like,not like matchType:value
having_ilike,notiLike(String value, MatchType matchType)
group by …
having upper({current group function}) like,not like upper(matchType:value)
having_lengthEq,Ne,Ge,Gt,Lt,Le(Integer length)
group by …
having length({current group function}) =,!=,>=,>,<,<= length

(3/5)过滤条件分组:having 子句的条件分组

  1. .having_and().条件1.条件2.having_end() 等价HQL片段 and (条件1 and 条件2)
  2. .having_or().条件1.条件2.having_end() 等价HQL片段 or (条件1 and 条件2)


group_orderBy 方法需要紧随组函数使用,表示对该组函数的结果排序

group_orderBy(OrderType orderType)order by {current group function} orderType


  1. @Autowired
  2. private HqlHelperService helperService;
  3. @Test
  4. public void testHql() {
  5. HqlHelper helper = HqlHelper.queryFrom(City.class);
  6. // 示例一
  7. // 查询每个省份下的城市数量和最大的区号,返回城市数量 between 2 and 10 的数据
  8. helper.join(HqlHelper.currTable, "province", "p")
  9. .groupByOther("p", "name", "provinceName")
  10. // 组函数及其结果cityCount的过滤规则
  11. .count("id", "cityCount")
  12. .having_between(2L, 10L)
  13. .max("areaCode", "maxAreaCode");
  14. Records provinceCityCount = helperService.getRecordsGroup(helper);
  15. System.err.println("provinceCityCount1 =" + provinceCityCount);
  16. // 示例二
  17. // 在示例一的基础上
  18. //(1)去掉`吉林`省的记录
  19. //(2)过滤分组结果,只读取最大区号08和09开头的数据
  20. //(3)按照最大区号升序排列
  21. //(4)读取3条记录
  22. helper.resetQueryFrom(City.class)
  23. .join(HqlHelper.currTable, "province", "p")
  24. //(1)去掉`吉林`省的记录
  25. .ne("p", "name", "吉林")
  26. .groupByOther("p", "name", "provinceName")
  27. // 组函数及其结果cityCount的过滤规则
  28. .count("id", "cityCount")
  29. .having_between(2L, 10L)
  30. //(2)过滤分组结果,只读取最大区号08和09开头的数据
  31. .max("areaCode", "maxAreaCode")
  32. .having_and()
  33. .having_like("08", MatchType.START)
  34. .having_or().having_like("09", MatchType.START).having_end()
  35. .having_end()
  36. //(3)按照最大区号升序排列
  37. .group_orderBy(OrderType.asc)
  38. //(4)读取3条记录
  39. .setFirstResult(0).setMaxResults(3);
  40. provinceCityCount = helperService.getRecordsGroup(helper);
  41. System.err.println("provinceCityCount2 =" + provinceCityCount);
  42. }
  1. //执行结果:
  2. select
  3. province1_.name as col_0_0_,
  4. count(city0_.id) as col_1_0_,
  5. max(city0_.area_code) as col_2_0_
  6. from
  7. dodo_city city0_
  8. inner join
  9. dodo_province province1_
  10. on city0_.province_id=province1_.id
  11. group by
  12. province1_.name
  13. having
  14. count(city0_.id) between ? and ?
  15. provinceCityCount1 =Records [rawData=[
  16. {maxAreaCode=0439, provinceName=吉林, cityCount=9},
  17. {maxAreaCode=0955, provinceName=宁夏, cityCount=5},
  18. {maxAreaCode=0898, provinceName=海南, cityCount=3},
  19. {maxAreaCode=0599, provinceName=福建, cityCount=9},
  20. {maxAreaCode=0897, provinceName=西藏, cityCount=7},
  21. {maxAreaCode=0859, provinceName=贵州, cityCount=9},
  22. {maxAreaCode=0919, provinceName=陕西, cityCount=10},
  23. {maxAreaCode=0979, provinceName=青海, cityCount=8}]]
  24. select
  25. province1_.name as col_0_0_,
  26. count(city0_.id) as col_1_0_,
  27. max(city0_.area_code) as col_2_0_
  28. from
  29. dodo_city city0_
  30. inner join
  31. dodo_province province1_
  32. on city0_.province_id=province1_.id
  33. where
  34. province1_.name<>?
  35. group by
  36. province1_.name
  37. having
  38. (
  39. count(city0_.id) between ? and ?
  40. )
  41. and (
  42. max(city0_.area_code) like ?
  43. or max(city0_.area_code) like ?
  44. )
  45. order by
  46. col_2_0_ asc limit ?
  47. provinceCityCount2 =Records [rawData=[
  48. {maxAreaCode=0859, provinceName=贵州, cityCount=9},
  49. {maxAreaCode=0897, provinceName=西藏, cityCount=7},
  50. {maxAreaCode=0898, provinceName=海南, cityCount=3}]]