Monitoring an Amazon DocumentDB Instance’s Status

The status of an instance indicates the health of the instance. You can view the status of an instance in Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) by using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI operation describe-db-instances.


Amazon DocumentDB also uses another status called maintenance status, which is shown in the Maintenance column of the Amazon DocumentDB console. This value indicates the status of any maintenance patches that need to be applied to an instance. Maintenance status is independent of the Amazon DocumentDB instance status. For more information about maintenance status, see Applying Amazon DocumentDB Updates.

Instance Status Values

The following table lists the possible status values for instances and how you are billed for each status. It shows if you will be billed for the instance and storage, only storage, or not billed. For all instance statuses, you are always billed for backup usage.

Valid Values for an Instance’s Status
Instance statusBilledDescription
availableBilledThe instance is healthy and available.
backing-upBilledThe instance is currently being backed up.
configuring-log-exportsBilledPublishing log files to Amazon CloudWatch Logs is being enabled or disabled for this instance.
creatingNot billedThe instance is being created. The instance is not accessible while it is being created.
deletingNot billedThe instance is being deleted.
failedNot billedThe instance has failed and Amazon DocumentDB was unable to recover it. To recover the data, perform a point-in-time restore to the latest restorable time of the instance.
inaccessible-encryption-credentialsNot billedThe AWS KMS key that is used to encrypt or decrypt the instance could not be accessed.
incompatible-networkNot billedAmazon DocumentDB is attempting to perform a recovery action on an instance but is unable to do so because the VPC is in a state that is preventing the action from being completed. This status can occur if, for example, all available IP addresses in a subnet were in use and Amazon DocumentDB was unable to get an IP address for the instance.
maintenanceBilledAmazon DocumentDB is applying a maintenance update to the instance. This status is used for instance-level maintenance that Amazon DocumentDB schedules well in advance. We’re evaluating ways to expose additional maintenance actions to customers through this status.
modifyingBilledThe instance is being modified because of a request to modify the instance.
rebootingBilledThe instance is being rebooted because of a request or an Amazon DocumentDB process that requires the rebooting of the instance.
renamingBilledThe instance is being renamed because of a request to rename it.
resetting-master-credentialsBilledThe master credentials for the instance are being reset because of a request to reset them.
restore-errorBilledThe instance encountered an error attempting to restore to a point-in-time or from a snapshot.
startingBilled for storageThe instance is starting.
stoppedBilled for storageThe instance is stopped.
stoppingBilled for storageThe instance is being stopped.
storage-fullBilledThe instance has reached its storage capacity allocation. This is a critical status and should be remedied immediately; scale up your storage by modifying the instance. Set Amazon CloudWatch alarms to warn you when storage space is getting low so you don’t run into this situation.

Monitoring an Instance’s Status Using the AWS Management Console

When using the AWS CLI to determine the status of a cluster, use the following procedure.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon DocumentDB console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Clusters.

  3. Note that in the Clusters navigation box, the column Cluster Identifier shows both clusters and instances. Instances are listed underneath clusters, similar to the screenshot below.

    Monitoring an Instance’s Status - 图1

  4. Find the name of the instance that you are interested in. Then, to find the status of the instance, read across that row to the Status column, as shown following.

    Monitoring an Instance’s Status - 图2

Monitoring an Instance’s Status Using the AWS CLI

When using the AWS CLI to determine the status of a cluster, use the describe-db-instances operation. The following code finds the status of the instance sample-cluster-instance-01.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

  1. aws docdb describe-db-instances \
  2. --db-instance-identifier sample-cluster-instance-01 \
  3. --query 'DBInstances[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier,DBInstanceStatus]'

For Windows:

  1. aws docdb describe-db-instances ^
  2. --db-instance-identifier sample-cluster-instance-01 ^
  3. --query 'DBInstances[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier,DBInstanceStatus]'

Output from this operation looks something like the following.

  1. [
  2. [
  3. "sample-cluster-instance-01",
  4. "available"
  5. ]
  6. ]