Divio CLI¶

divio-cli is a Python-based command line application, and can be installedvia pip:

  1. pip install divio cli

The divio-cli source code is availableon GitHub.

It’s also available:

  • in the Divio Shell
  • at the bash prompt in Divio Cloud web containers


When using the divio-cli other than in a Divio Shell or web container, you will need toinstall the aldryn-client as well to allow the divio-cli to perform certain operationsrelated to addons. To install:

  1. pip install aldryn-client

divio-cli command reference¶

The divio-cli is invoked with the command divio.

Its syntax is:

  1. divio [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS] ...


Options are:

|-d, —debug|Drop into the debugger if the command execution raises an exception.
|—help|Show a help message (most commands also include help messages of their own)



The addon command is used when in the directory of a local addon.

It take one of three commands as an argument:

Registers an addon with the Divio Cloud addons system
Uploads an addon to the Divio Cloud
Validates basic aspects of an addon’s configuration


The backup command manages project backups.

It take one command as an argument:


Decrypts an encrypted backup file.

decrypt takes three arguments: KEY BACKUP DESTINATION.


  1. divio backup decrypt key backup destination


The boilerplate command is used when in the directory of a localboilerplate.

It take one of two commands as an argument:

Uploads a boilerplate to the Divio Cloud
Validates basic aspects of an boilerplates’s configuration


The doctor command checks that your environment is correctly configured.

  1. divio-cloud-projects divio doctor
  2. Verifying your system setup
  3. Login
  4. Git
  5. Docker Client
  6. Docker Compose
  7. Docker Engine Connectivity
  8. Docker Engine Internet Connectivity
  9. Docker Engine DNS Connectivity


Authorise your machine with the Divio Cloud. divio login opens your browserat https://control.divio.com/account/desktop-app/access-token/, where you cancopy an access token to paste into the prompt.


The project command helps manage projects locally and on the Cloud.

Its general syntax is divio project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Except where specifically indicated below, the project command is specificto a particular project and must be executed within an existing projectdirectory.

Opens the project’s cheatsheet page in the Control Panel.
Opens the project’s Dashboard in the Control Panel.

Deploys the project’s Test or Live servers.

deploy takes test or live as an argument, for example:

  1. divio project deploy test


|—backup|Take a backup before deploying


Returns the latest deployment log for the project’s Test or Live servers.

deploy-log takes test or live as an argument, for example:

  1. divio project deploy-log test


Adds a package in development to the project.

Usage: divio project develop [OPTIONS] PACKAGE, where PACKAGE isthe name of the addon package.


|—no-rebuild|Don’t rebuild the Docker container


What divio project develop <addon> actually does is:

- checks addons-dev for the named addon
- puts the addon on the Python path
- adds the addon to requirements.in, as -e
- adds any dependencies
- runs docker-compose build web.

Get and set environment variables. Bydefault, these operations work on the Test server (e.g. divio project
env-vars —set SOMEKEY somevalue
will be applied to the Test server,and will appear there).

Note that this command applies only to the Live and Test servers, not the local server. See Localenvironment variables.

Usage: divio project env-vars [OPTIONS]


|-s, —stage TEXT
| |Get data from sever (test or live)
|—all, —custom
| |Show all or only custom (the default) variables
|—json|Use JSON output
|—get|Get a specific environment variable (get VARIABLE)
|—set|Set a specific custom environment variable (set VARIABLE VALUE)
|—unset|Unset an environment variable (unset VARIABLE)
|—help|Show a help message


Exports the local database to localdb.sql.

Usage: divio project export db

Imports a database dump file into the local database.

Usage: divio project import db [path]

If the path argument is not supplied, it will expect a filelocal_db.sql.

Lists your Divio Cloud projects.

_Not specific to a particular project.

Opens the project’s Live site in the browser.
Open the local project’s site in the browser.

Pulls the database or media files from the Divio Cloud.

Takes a required argument, db or media, followed optionally bytest or live (if not specified, defaults to test), and by—remote-id <project id> to pull from another project.

Pushes the database or media files to the Divio Cloud.

Takes a required argument, db or media, followed optionally bytest or live (if not specified, defaults to test), and by—remote-id <project id> to push to another project.

Replicates and builds a Divio Cloud project locally.

Takes a single argument, the slug of the project.

Can be run outside a project folder.
Shows the status of the local project, shutting down its containers.
Stops the local project (if it is running).
Opens the project’s Test site in the browser.
Starts up the local project.

Updates the local project with new code changes from the Cloud, then builds it. Runs:

  1. git pull
    docker-compose pull
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose run web start migrate


Returns version information about the divio-cli.

原文: http://docs.divio.com/en/latest/reference/divio-cli.html