How to run a local project in live configuration¶

The Local, Test and Live server environments are as identical as possible, to help guaranteethat your applications will run in just the same way across all of them.

However, there are a few differences. The default conditions are:

Local Test Live
DEBUG environment variable True True False
STAGE environment variable local test live
static files served by… Python runserver uWSGI
media files served by… our Cloud S3 service
database runs in… a local container our Cloud database cluster

Occasionally, you may wish to run the local server in a configuration closer to the live set-up.

A few steps are needed to achieve this.

Set some environment variables in the file .env-local:

  1. DEBUG=False
  2. STAGE=live

Gather static files to be served, using collectstatic. Run:

  1. docker-compose run --rm web python collectstatic

Use the production web server (using uWSGI, and serving static files) rather than the Djangorunserver. In the docker-compose.yml file, change:

  1. command: python runserver


  1. command: start web

Now when you start the local server, it will behave more like the live server.
