Contributor Ladder Growth Programs

Note: This document is wip and welcomes everyone to help improve.

DevStream Community Membership

RoleResponsibilitiesRequirementsDefined by
ContributorN/AAt least 1 contribution to the projectN/A
MemberActive contributor in the communitySponsored by 2 reviewers and multiple contributions to the projectDevStream GitHub Org member & Team member
ReviewerReview contributions from other membersHighly experienced active member who is knowledgeable about the codebase; Member for at least 1 monthDevStream GitHub Org member & Team member & OWNERS file reviewer entry
ApproverContributions acceptance approvalHighly experienced active reviewer and contributor; Reviewer for at least 3 monthsDevStream GitHub Org member & Team member & OWNERS file approver entry

New contributors should be welcomed to the DevStream community by existing members, helped with PR workflow, and directed to relevant documentation and communication channels.


OWNERS files are used to designate responsibility for different parts of the DevStream codebase. We use them to assign the Reviewer and Approver roles.

We will gradually define OWNERS for each DevStream plugin and each module of DevStream core.

A typical OWNERS file looks like below:

  1. approvers:
  2. - daniel # GitHub username
  3. reviewers:
  4. - daniel
  5. - danny