3.1 安装客户端

Deis 命令行接口(CLI),或者客户端,允许你与 Deis Controller 交互。你必须通过安装客户端来使用 Deis。

安装 Deis 客户端

在 Linux 或 Mac OS X 上安装最新版的 Deis 客户端:

  1. $ curl -sSL http://deis.io/deis-cli/install.sh | sh

安装程序把 Deis 放在你的当前目录,但是你应该把它移到你的 $PATH


设置 http_proxy or https_proxy 环境变量开启代理支持:

  1. $ export http_proxy="http://proxyip:port"
  2. $ export https_proxy="http://proxyip:port"


Deis 客户端为每个命令自带综合的文档,使用 deis help 帮助你查看可用的命令:

  1. $ deis help
  2. The Deis command-line client issues API calls to a Deis controller.
  3. Usage: deis <command> [<args>...]
  4. Auth commands::
  5. register register a new user with a controller
  6. login login to a controller
  7. logout logout from the current controller
  8. Subcommands, use ``deis help [subcommand]`` to learn more::
  9. ...

为了获取子命令的帮助信息,使用 deis help [subcommand]

  1. $ deis help apps
  2. Valid commands for apps:
  3. apps:create create a new application
  4. apps:list list accessible applications
  5. apps:info view info about an application
  6. apps:open open the application in a browser
  7. apps:logs view aggregated application logs
  8. apps:run run a command in an ephemeral app container
  9. apps:destroy destroy an application
  10. Use `deis help [command]` to learn more