Dapr CLI reference

Detailed information on the Dapr CLI commands

Detailed information on the Dapr CLI

Detailed information on the completion CLI command

Detailed information on the components CLI command

Detailed information on the configurations CLI command

Detailed information on the dashboard CLI command

Detailed information on the help CLI command

Detailed information on the init CLI command

Detailed information on the invoke CLI command

Detailed information on the list CLI command

Detailed information on the logs CLI command

Detailed information on the mtls CLI command

Detailed information on the publish CLI command

Detailed information on the run CLI command

Detailed information on the status CLI command

Detailed information on the stop CLI command

Detailed information on the uninstall CLI command

Detailed information on the upgrade CLI command

Last modified March 18, 2021: Merge pull request #1321 from dapr/aacrawfi/logos (9a399d5)