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2020-02-22 09:15:28
Add-on types
- "plugins". Extensions with Python code. They add events and/or commands. Commands can be called then via "Plugins" top menu, but only if plugin's install.inf file doesn't hide menu items in "Plugins". In any case, all commands can be called via Command Palette dialog.
- "lexers". Syntax highlighting files. For ex, Arduino lexer adds item "Arduino" to the lexer menu. Some addons can add 2 or more lexers, for ex "HTML nnnnnn" addons often add 2 lexers: one is visible in the lexer menu, another one is hidden (it supports embedded blocks).
- "linters". Sub-plugins for CudaLint plugin. Each supports some lexer (or several similar lexers). To use them, install CudaLint plugin, open your work file, and call CudaLint commands: it calls appropriate linter and shows colored bookmarks on error/warning lines.
- "formatters". Sub-plugins for CudaFormatter plugin. Each supports one or several lexers and can reformat source code for these lexers. Examples: Python ReIndent, JS Sort Imports, AStyle Format.
- "tree helpers": Plugins which show Code Tree structure for some lexer (useful if language is complex, and lexer cannot handle all language complexity).
- "snippets". Collections of text fragments, for Snippets plugin. Install Snippets plugin first. Each addon supports some lexer(s). See details in the #Snippets topic.
- "translations". CudaText UI translations. For ex, JP translation changes all menuitems + dialogs to JP language. Dialogs of plugins are not affected (but authors can support translation in their plugins).
- "themes". UI/syntax themes for the "Options / Color themes" menu. UI themes change colors of CudaText interface. Syntax themes change colors of words in syntax highlighted files.
- "sidebar themes": Icon sets for the sidebar (vertical row of buttons on the left side).
- "toolbar themes": Icon sets for the main toolbar (horizontal row of buttons on the top).
- "toolbar x icons": Icon sets for plugin "Config Toolbar", for user-added buttons.
- "file type icons": Icon sets for the "Project Manager" file list. Most popular lexers have icons here.
- "code tree icons": Icon sets for the Code Tree (icons are visible in the Code Tree with some lexers, e.g. C#).