Format of .cuda-lexops files

Files keep lexer styles, which user changed in the "Lexer Properties" dialog. JSON format.

Root keys:

  • "files": str: space-separated list of file masks for lexer. Each mask can be "nnn" for extension .nnn, or "/mmm" for full filename mmm.
  • "style_NN" for each lexer style name "NN", which user have changed. Subkeys are:
    • "font_color": str: color of font, in Pascal format.
    • "font_style": str: several chars: "i" for italic, "b" for bold, "s" for strikeout.
    • "back": str: color of background, in Pascal format.
    • "brd_c_l", "brd_c_r", "brd_c_t", "brd_c_b": str: color of border (left, right, top, bottom), in Pascal format.
    • "brd_t_l", "brd_t_r", "brd_t_t", "brd_t_b": int: type of border (left, right, top, bottom). Values 0..9: None, Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, Solid2, Solid3, WavyLine, Double.

Color in Pascal format: hex number (6..8 digits) with "$" prefix, or constants. See possible constants (with hex values) in Lazarus file Graphics.pp, where string 'clBlack' is defined.