Machine-Level Representation of Programs

QuoteTo understand a program, you must become both the machine and the program.

by Alan Perlis

3.1 - 3.57 visit book

3.58 - 3.75 visit here


code directory: ./code

test way:

  • assert means assert function from <assert.h>
  • output means to watch code output to judge if it works right
solution code file test way
3.58 decode2/(decode.c, decode2.s. main.c) assert
3.59 ——- ———
3.60 loop/loop.s, loop2.c, main.c assert
3.61 cread/(cread-alt.c, cread-alt.s, cread.s) assert
3.62 ——- ———
3.63 ——- ———
3.64 store-ele/(store-ele.s, store-ele2.c, main.c) assert
3.65 ——- ———
3.66 sum-col/(sum-col.s, sum-col2.c, main.c) assert
3.67 ——- ———
3.68 ——- ———
3.69 ——- ———
3.70 ——- ———
3.71 good-echo/good-echo.c output
3.72 ——- ———
3.73 3.73.c assert
3.74 3.74.c assert
3.75 ——- ———