



数据块菜单 中选择预设笔刷类型或自定义笔刷。

  • 添加笔刷



    • 重置笔刷

      Reset the current brush to its default settings.


      Reset all brushes to their default settings.

      Custom Icon 自定义图标





In order to save a custom brush in a blend-user, enable Fake User.


Draw Brushes

Draw brushes are the special type of brushes that uses Grease Pencil for drawing tools. The brush can be changed in the Tool Settings. The different draw brushes (pencil, Ink, marker, etc.) are settings variations of the same Draw Brush. You can create many brushes, each with unique settings to get different artistic result while drawing.

Fill Brushes

Fill brushes are the special type of brushes that uses Grease Pencil for the Fill tools. The brush can be changed in the Tool Settings. The different fill brushes are settings variations of the same Fill Brush. You can create many brushes, each with unique settings to get different result when filling areas.

Erase Brushes

Erase brushes are the special types of brushes that uses Grease Pencil for Erase tools. The brush can be changed in the Tool Settings. Soft and hard eraser brushes are settings variations of the same Erase Brush. You can create many brushes, each with unique settings to get different effects while erasing. The Erase Brush has also other two special eraser types: point and stroke.