1. [Mandatory] Specific column names should be specified during query, rather than using *.
1) * increases parsing cost.
2) It may introduce mismatch with resultMap when adding or removing query columns.
2. [Mandatory] Name of Boolean property of POJO classes cannot be prefixed with is, while DB column name should prefix with is. A mapping between properties and columns is required.
Note: Refer to rules of POJO class and DB column definition, mapping is needed in resultMap. Code generated by MyBatis Generator might need to be adjusted.
3. [Mandatory] Do not use resultClass as return parameters, even if all class property names are the same as DB columns, corresponding DO definition is needed.
Mapping configuration is needed, to decouple DO definition and table columns, which in turn facilitates maintenance.
4. [Mandatory] Be cautious with parameters in xml configuration. Do not use ${}
in place of #{}
, #param#
. SQL injection may happen in this way.
5. [Mandatory] iBatis built in queryForList(String statementName, int start, int size) is not recommended.
Note: It may lead to OOM issue because its implementation is to retrieve all DB records of statementName’s corresponding SQL statement, then start, size subset is applied through subList.
Positive example: Use #start#, #size# in sqlmap.xml.
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("start", start);
map.put("size", size);
6. [Mandatory] Do not use HashMap or HashTable as DB query result type.
7. [Mandatory] gmt_modified column should be updated with current timestamp simultaneously with DB record update.
8. [Recommended] Do not define a universal table updating interface, which accepts POJO as input parameter, and always update table set c1=value1, c2=value2, c3=value3, … regardless of intended columns to be updated. It is better not to update unrelated columns, because it is error prone, not efficient, and increases binlog storage.
9. [For Reference] Do not overuse @Transactional. Because transaction affects QPS of DB, and relevant rollbacks may need be considered, including cache rollback, search engine rollback, message making up, statistics adjustment, etc.
10. [For Reference] compareValue of \