15.5 Are early comments expensive? 早期注释是否昂贵?

Now let’s revisit the argument for delaying comments, which is that it avoids the cost of reworking the comments as the code evolves. A simple back-of-the-envelope calculation will show that this doesn’t save much. First, estimate the total fraction of development time that you spend typing in code and comments together, including time to revise code and comments; it’s unlikely that this will be more than about 10% of all development time. Even if half of your total code lines are comments, writing comments probably doesn’t account for more than about 5% of your total development time. Delaying the comments until the end will save only a fraction of this, which isn’t very much.

现在,让我们重新讨论延迟注释的参数,这是因为它避免了在代码演变时重新处理注释的开销。一个简单的信封计算将显示这并不能节省很多。首先,估算您一起键入代码和注释所花费的开发时间的总和,包括修改代码和注释的时间;这不太可能超过所有开发时间的 10%。即使您的全部代码行中有一半是注释,编写注释也可能不会占开发总时间的 5%以上。将注释延迟到最后只会节省其中的一小部分,这不是很多。

Writing the comments first will mean that the abstractions will be more stable before you start writing code. This will probably save time during coding. In contrast, if you write the code first, the abstractions will probably evolve as you code, which will require more code revisions than the comments-first approach. When you consider all of these factors, it’s possible that it might be faster overall to write the comments first.
