14.2 Create an image 创建图像

When choosing a name, the goal is to create an image in the mind of the reader about the nature of the thing being named. A good name conveys a lot of information about what the underlying entity is, and, just as important, what it is not. When considering a particular name, ask yourself: “If someone sees this name in isolation, without seeing its declaration, its documentation, or any code that uses the name, how closely will they be able to guess what the name refers to? Is there some other name that will paint a clearer picture?” Of course, there is a limit to how much information you can put in a single name; names become unwieldy if they contain more than two or three words. Thus, the challenge is to find just a few words that capture the most important aspects of the entity.

选择名称时,目标是在读者的脑海中创建一幅关于被命名事物的性质的图像。一个好名字传达了很多有关底层实体是什么,以及同样重要的是,不是什么的信息。在考虑特定名称时,请问自己:“如果有人孤立地看到该名称,而没有看到其声明,文档或使用该名称的任何代码,他们将能够猜到该名称指的是什么?还有其他名称可以使画面更清晰吗?” 当然,一个名字可以输入多少信息是有限制的。如果名称包含两个或三个以上的单词,则会变得笨拙。因此,面临的挑战是仅找到捕获实体最重要方面的几个单词。

Names are a form of abstraction: they provide a simplified way of thinking about a more complex underlying entity. Like other forms of abstraction, the best names are those that focus attention on what is most important about the underlying entity while omitting details that are less important.
