第 13 章 注释应该描述代码中不明显的内容

Chapter 13 Comments Should Describe Things that Aren’t Obvious from the Code

The reason for writing comments is that statements in a programming language can’t capture all of the important information that was in the mind of the developer when the code was written. Comments record this information so that developers who come along later can easily understand and modify the code. The guiding principle for comments is that comments should describe things that aren’t obvious from the code.


There are many things that aren’t obvious from the code. Sometimes it’s low-level details that aren’t obvious. For example, when a pair of indices describe a range, it isn’t obvious whether the elements given by the indices are inside the range or out. Sometimes it’s not clear why code is needed, or why it was implemented in a particular way. Sometimes there are rules the developer followed, such as “always invoke a before b.” You might be able to guess at a rule by looking at all of the code, but this is painful and error-prone; a comment can make the rule explicit and clear.

从代码中看不到很多事情。有时,底层细节并不明显。例如,当一对索引描述一个范围时,由索引给出的元素是在范围之内还是之外并不明显。有时不清楚为什么需要代码,或者为什么要以特定方式实现代码。有时,开发人员遵循一些规则,例如“总是在 b 之前调用 a”。您可能可以通过查看所有代码来猜测规则,但这很痛苦且容易出错。注释可以使规则清晰明了。

One of the most important reasons for comments is abstractions, which include a lot of information that isn’t obvious from the code. The idea of an abstraction is to provide a simple way of thinking about something, but code is so detailed that it can be hard to see the abstraction just from reading the code. Comments can provide a simpler, higher-level view (“after this method is invoked, network traffic will be limited to maxBandwidth bytes per second”). Even if this information can be deduced by reading the code, we don’t want to force users of a module to do that: reading the code is time-consuming and forces them to consider a lot of information that isn’t needed to use the module. Developers should be able to understand the abstraction provided by a module without reading any code other than its externally visible declarations. The only way to do this is by supplementing the declarations with comments.

注释的最重要原因之一是抽象,其中包括许多从代码中看不到的信息。抽象的思想是提供一种思考问题的简单方法,但是代码是如此详细,以至于仅通过阅读代码就很难看到抽象。注释可以提供一个更简单,更高级的视图(“调用此方法后,网络流量将被限制为每秒 maxBandwidth 字节”)。即使可以通过阅读代码推断出此信息,我们也不想强迫模块用户这样做:阅读代码很耗时,并且迫使他们考虑很多不需要使用的信息模块。开发人员应该能够理解模块提供的抽象,而无需阅读其外部可见声明以外的任何代码。

This chapter discusses what information needs to be described in comments and how to write good comments. As you will see, good comments typically explain things at a different level of detail than the code, which is more detailed in some situations and less detailed (more abstract) in others.
