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  • Next.js

    在 Next.js 中使用 mysql2 连接到 TiDB 前置需求 运行代码并连接到 TiDB 第 1 步:克隆示例代码仓库到本地 第 2 步:安装依赖 第 3 步:配置连接信息 第 4 步:运行代码并查看结果 示例代码片段 连接到 TiDB 插入数据 查询数据 更新数据 删除数据 注意事项 下一步 需要帮助? 在 Ne...
  • Usage with Next.js

    Usage with Next.js tip Recommended file structure Add tRPC to existing Next.js project 1. Install deps 2. Create a tRPC router 3. Create tRPC hooks 4. Configure _app.tsx 5....
  • Migrating to Next.js

    Incrementally Adopting Next.js Migrating from Gatsby Migrating from Create React App Migrating from React Router
  • Next.js Compiler

    Next.js Compiler Why SWC? Supported Features Styled Components Jest Relay Remove React Properties Remove Console Legacy Decorators importSource Emotion Minification Expe...
  • Next.js

    Building a simple blog application with EdgeDB and Next.js Updating the homepage Initializing EdgeDB Loading posts with an API route Generating the query builder Rendering blog...
  • What is Next.js?

    What is Next.js? What is Next.js? Next.js is baked into Blitz and almost all features of Next.js are supported. For more info on the differences see here: Why use Blitz instea...
  • Usage with Next.js

    Usage with Next.js tip Recommended file structure Add tRPC to existing Next.js project 1. Install deps 2. Enable strict mode 3. Create a tRPC router 4. Create tRPC hooks 5. ...
  • Incrementally Adopting Next.js

    Incrementally Adopting Next.js Strategies Subpath Rewrites Micro-Frontends with Monorepos and Subdomains Conclusion Incrementally Adopting Next.js Examples Rewrites Red...
  • Why Blitz instead of Next.js?

    Why use Blitz instead of Next.js? 1. Fullstack instead of Frontend 2. Data Layer 3. Relaxed Restrictions 4. Built-in Authentication 5. Conventions 6. Code Scaffolding 7. Inst...
  • FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions Is Next.js production ready? Yes! Next.js is used by many of the top websites in the world. See the Showcase for more inf...