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  • GoogleTest

    807 2021-02-12 《Modern CMake》
    GoogleTest Submodule method (preferred) Download method FetchContent: CMake 3.11 GoogleTest Submodule method (preferred) To use this method, just checkout GoogleTest as a ...
  • GoogleTest

    GoogleTest 子模块(Submodule)的方式(首选) 下载的方式 FetchContent: CMake 3.11 GoogleTest GoogleTest 和 GoogleMock 是非常经典的选择;不过就我个人经验而言,我会推荐你使用 Catch2,因为 GoogleTest 十分遵循谷歌的发展理念;它假定用户总是想使用最新的技...
  • GoogleTest Primer

    Googletest Primer Introduction: Why googletest? Beware of the nomenclature Basic Concepts Assertions Simple Tests Test Fixtures: Using the Same Data Configuration for Multiple...
  • GoogleTest User’s Guide

    GoogleTest User’s Guide Welcome to GoogleTest! GoogleTest User’s Guide Welcome to GoogleTest! GoogleTest is Google’s C++ testing and mocking framework. This user’s guide has t...
  • Quickstart: Bazel

    Quickstart: Building with Bazel Prerequisites Set up a Bazel workspace Create and run a binary Next steps Quickstart: Building with Bazel This tutorial aims to get you up an...
  • Code Samples

    Googletest Samples Googletest Samples If you’re like us, you’d like to look at googletest samples. The sample directory has a number of well-commented samples showing how to us...
  • Quickstart: CMake

    Quickstart: Building with CMake Prerequisites Set up a project Create and run a binary Next steps Quickstart: Building with CMake This tutorial aims to get you up and runnin...
  • Testing FAQ

    GoogleTest FAQ Why should test suite names and test names not contain underscore? Why does GoogleTest support EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr) and ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ptr) but not EXPECT_NE(NUL...
  • Supported Platforms

    Supported Platforms Operating systems Compilers Build systems Supported Platforms GoogleTest requires a codebase and compiler compliant with the C++11 standard or newer. The...
  • Using pkg-config

    Using GoogleTest from various build systems CMake Help! pkg-config can’t find GoogleTest! Using pkg-config in a cross-compilation setting Using GoogleTest from various build ...