书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.007 秒,为您找到 87 个相关结果.
  • The rustc book

    rustc is the compiler for the Rust programming language, provided by the project itself. Compilers take your source code and produce binary code, either as a library or executable.
  • The fastai book

    这些notebook包含了对深度学习,fastai,以及PyTorch的介绍。fastai是一个用于深度学习的分层API;要了解更多信息,请阅读the fastai paper论文。本repo的所有内容的版权都属于Jeremy Howard和Sylvain Gugger,起自2020年。
  • Jupyter Book Document

    Jupyter Books lets you build an online book using a collection of Jupyter Notebooks and Markdown files. Its output is similar to the excellent Bookdown tool, and adds extra functio...
  • Tcpdump little book

    Tcpdump is a very powerful command line tool to analyze network packets on Unix-like Operating Systems; it is indispensable for debugging network related issues.
  • Book on TypeScript(英文)

    This book aims to provide a casual introduction to the main features of the TypeScript language. This chapter covers: The intended audience for this book (i.e. who did I imagine w...
  • QML Book中文版(QML Book In Chinese)

    QML是Qt推出的Qt Quick技术的一部分,是一种新增的简便易学的语言。QML是一种陈述性语言,用来描述一个程序的用户界面:无论是什么样子,以及它如何表现。在QML,一个用户界面被指定为具有属性的对象树。 这使得Qt更加便于很少或没有编程经验的人使用。
  • The Embedded Rust Book(2020)

    Welcome to The Embedded Rust Book: An introductory book about using the Rust Programming Language on "Bare Metal" embedded systems, such as Microcontrollers.
  • Linux perf little book

    A small book which introduces Linux perf tool.
  • The Embedded Rust Book(2022)

    Documentation on how to use the Rust Programming Language to develop firmware for bare metal (microcontroller) devices
  • big book of powershell gotchas(英文)

    PowerShell is full of "gotchas" - little things that just get in your way and are hard to figure out on your own. This short book is intended to help you figure them out and avoid ...