书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.032 秒,为您找到 25125 个相关结果.
  • 加载器与关系

    加载器与关系 Model Loader Loader Expression Many-to-One Relationship Self Referencing Other Relationships Advanced Usage of Loaders 加载器与关系 Loaders are used to load database row...
  • 声明模型

    声明模型 简单示例 一对多(one-to-many)关系 多对多(many-to-many)关系 声明模型 通常下,Flask-SQLAlchemy 的行为就像一个来自 declarative 扩展配置正确的 declarative 基类。因此,我们强烈建议您阅读 SQLAlchemy 文档以获取一个全面的参考。尽管如此,我们这里还是给出了...
  • Transactions

    Disable Default Transaction Transaction Nested Transactions Control the transaction manually A Specific Example SavePoint, RollbackTo Disable Default Transaction GORM perfo...
  • The DAL: A quick tour

    The DAL: A quick tour The DAL: A quick tour web2py defines the following classes that make up the DAL: The DAL object represents a database connection. For example: db = D...
  • Transactions

    Transactions CodeIgniter’s Approach to Transactions Running Transactions Strict Mode Managing Errors Disabling Transactions Test Mode Running Transactions Manually Trans...
  • 6. Advanced Usage

    1036 2017-12-16 《gorm文档(英文)》
    Advanced Usage Error Handling Transactions A Specific Example SQL Builder Run Raw SQL sql.Row & sql.Rows Scan sql.Rows In Iteration Generic database interface sql.DB Connec...
  • 2. 数据库

    2479 2018-05-17 《GORM 1.0 中文文档》
    数据库 连接数据库 {#dbc} MySQL PostgreSQL Sqlite3 不支持的数据库 迁移 {#m} 自动迁移 检查表是否存在 创建表 删除表 修改列 删除列 添加外键 索引 数据库 连接数据库 {#dbc} 要连接到数据库首先要导入驱动程序。例如 import _ "github.com/go-s...
  • 7. Development

    876 2017-12-16 《gorm文档(英文)》
    Development Architecture Write Plugins Register a new callback Delete an existing callback Replace an existing callback Register callback orders Pre-Defined Callbacks De...
  • 2. Database

    1183 2017-12-16 《gorm文档(英文)》
    Database Connecting to a database MySQL PostgreSQL Sqlite3 SQL Server Write Dialect for unsupported databases Migration Auto Migration Has Table Create Table Drop table ...
  • Migration

    Auto Migration Migrator Interface CurrentDatabase Tables Columns Constraints Indexes Constraints Other Migration Tools Auto Migration Automatically migrate your schema, ...